# Image based on minideb:
sudo docker build -t airvantage/tv-dashboards -f Dockerfile.minideb .
# or based on alpine (default):
sudo docker build -t airvantage/tv-dashboards -f Dockerfile .
As a standalone app:
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name="engtv" airvantage/tv-dashboards
If docker version is >= 1.11, one can also limit the log file size and number:
sudo docker run -d --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=10 -p 8080:8080 --name="engtv" airvantage/tv-dashboards
And with a bash shell:
sudo docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 --name="engtv" airvantage/tv-dashboards /bin/bash
cd /home/engtv
This dashboard is based on revealjs with dynamic content retrieved and served by a python Flask application running on port 8080. A valid access to JIRA is requested as well as an account on Github, thus the login page described below.
- Access http://localhost:8080/login
- Enter valid credentials (i.e. able to access the PLTBUGS and INCIDENT JIRA projects and Github AirVantage repositories)
- Rolling pages should show total bug counts, blocker and critical bug counts, open incidents and oldest update amongst open bugs, plus the count of open bugs on Github
- Counters shoud be updated automatically every 5 minutes
One can view detailed counters at http://localhost:8080/counters