Gas and Brake
- The vehicle can move forward by pressing the gas button.
- The vehicle can slow down or stop by pressing the brake.
- No right or left. Only gas and brake. It goes straight.
- The vehicle should operate with automatic transmission.
- Speedometer (km/s)
- Engine speed (rpm) and gear indicator
- A camera that can rotate around the vehicle should be controlled with the mouse.
Wheel Movement
- The wheels should turn in accordance with the movement of the vehicle.
- The amount of wheel rotation should be calculated from the formula of the vehicle's travel distance / wheel circumference.
Engine Sound
- The pitch of the sound should change based on the engine speed.
Start and Finish Line
- There should be a 5-second countdown before the start, followed by a "Start" message.
- The vehicle should be able to move when the "Start" message is displayed.
- A length of approximately 500 meters for the track is sufficient.
- The race should automatically end when crossing the finish line.
- There should be a chronometer on the screen showing the elapsed time since the start.
Race Car package Cinemachine Road Blocker Countdown Sound Race Start Sound Car Engine Sound