There are some missing features for IFormFile in Asp.Net Core, this library trying to implement them
All you have to do to get started with the IFormFileExtensions is by installing the library from the Nuget Install-Package IFormFileExtensions
public async Task PostFile(IFormFile file) { // To Read the file content string FileContent = await file.ReadAllTextAsync();
// To Convert a file to byte array
byte[] FileBytes = await file.ConvertFileToBytesAsync();
// To Store a file in the server, by giving directory path, even if it not exists, it will create it
await file.StoreFileToServerFolderAsync("Images/username");
// Compute the has code for a file
string Hash40 = file.GetWeakHash40();
string Hash64 = file.GetGetIntermediateHash64();
string Hash128 = file.GetStrongHash128();
// Encrypt a file
string EncryptedContent = await file.EncryptAsyn();
// Decrypt a file
string DencryptedContent = await file.DencryptAsync();
// To check if a certain file is actually is an image
ImageFormat imageformat = file.GetImageFormat();