App with the objetive of letting you storage all type of files, getting level for more space and organizing your profile to make them private or public. You'll need to be validated as a user to access.
- Strong securiy flow for accounts, using OAuth with token rotation and encrypting. More info in
- Storage for authenticated user (with mb/gb limit)
- Configs to make your uploads public/private, so other users are able to see them
- Level system that will grant benefits such like more space to store
- Minimum social media interactions between users
- User profiles
many features aren't avialable yet since i'm working on them
- js/ts
- node/express
- react
- redux-toolkit
- mysql
- tailwind
in case you want to see it on your local (idk why you would, since it's far from being finished) you have to install the dependencies first.
- once you have the repo on your local, use npm install in the backend and frontend folder to install all dependencies
- create .env for /backend and /frontend and modify it with your own configs
PORT_FRONTEND=frontend port
PORT_BACKEND=backend port
JWT_SECRET=your secret
JWT_REFRESH_SECRET=your refresh secret
DB_HOST=your host
DB_DATABASE=your db name
DB_USER=your user
- you have to use a server for the backend and its database (i use xampp for now)
- use npm start to run the backend (node) and npm run dev to run the frontend (vite)
- in case that the database is not configurated you can create your database locally with xampp and apply its configuration in the database.js file
note: tailwind may break in development sometimes, if that happen and the styles break just rerun the frontend again