This NPM package presents a digital clock component tailored for React applications. It utilizes ReactJS, JavaScript, SASS, and ESLint to create an intuitive and visually appealing clock feature. With easy integration capabilities, it seamlessly becomes a part of any application, enhancing its functionality.
Live demo:
The digital clock component offers a variety of configuration options to customize its appearance and functionality, including:
- size: You have the option to showcase the clock face in two sizes: medium or small.
- timestamp: The clock has the capability to exhibit a precise timestamp, enabling you to depict any desired time.
- isMode24H(24/12 Hours Mode): The clock offers the flexibility to be presented in either the 12-hour or 24-hour format.
- useInterval: You can optionally use the clock as a static display by turning off the interval.
import React from "react";
import { Clock } from "digital-clock-react";
import { myTimestamp } from "./consts";
function App() {
return (
<div className="app-container">
export default App;
npm install digital-clock-react
Include the package in your project's dependencies.
npm run build-jsdocs
For JSDocs of the utils functions, after running open the 'index.html' file located inside the 'js-docs' folder.
Afek Sakaju
- LinkedIn: @afeksa
- GitHub: @Afek-Sakaju