Releases: Aeonss/BubbleBlaster
BubbleBlaster 2.0.2
BubbleBlaster 2.0.1
Added scrolling for large images, updated, fixed dependency…
BubbleBlaster 2.0.0
- (feat) Added a log at the bottom, noting to install Nvidia Cuda if it is not available
- (feat) Preview is automatically done now, with option to select outlined text to remove or remove all outlined text
- (feat) Added magicinpaint as an option to be used when inpainting
- (bug) Main bubbleblaster window cannot be used when preview is open
- (bug) Path no longer is removed when selecting another file and then canceling
- (update) Moved some functions to a
- (update) Optimized code
- Add a drag and select in the preview to manually select areas to inpaint
- Add zoom feature for large images in preview
- Add right click to move around in preview
- Update images in README
If you get an error with numpy, please do pip uninstall easyocr and then pip install easyocr to get the right version of numpy
BubbleBlaster v1.2.4
Changed the way BubbleBlaster will be distributed.
From now on, .exe will be avoided due to large package size and long startup time, but I will include to those who want it, although I don't recommend it.
Python will be needed.
No need manually install requirements, that is done for you in v1.2.4.
Just unzip the file and run BubbleBlaster.bat
The CLI version will still be included as a .exe. CD to the path of the CLI and type bb -h for more information
BubbleBlaster v1.2.3
Delete bubbleblaster-cli.spec
BubbleBlaster 1.2.2
Fixed issue with the checkUpdate()
BubbleBlaster_1.2.2 is a one-file .exe
BubbleBlaster_1.2.2_NON-COMPACT is an .exe with folder dependencies. Faster to launch, but not packaged into 1 file.
BubbleBlaster 1.2.1
Used pyinstaller to package everything.
Unzip the file and run the bubbleblaster.exe
BubbleBlaster v1.2
Bug Fix:
issue 6
Error was caused by non unicode file names. Program will now duplicate the image and remove the non unicode characters
BubbleBlaster v1.1
Added update feature
BubbleBlaster v1.0
Updated files