![Gitter]( Chat.svg)
A zoom/pan/drag plugin for Snap.svg
This is an an adaptation of Andrea Leofreddi's SVGPan library, version 1.2.2, for use as a Snap.svg plugin.
This usually use on present view only. Not for Storing or Modifying the paper.
Drop me an issue/PR for the showcase
$ bower install snap.svg.zpd --save
$ npm install snap.svg.zpd --save
The plugin will put all child elements in the svg into a group-element and apply the "global transformations" to this group - like zooming, panning or rotating the whole canvas.
When dragging is enabled, the respective transformations will be applied directly to the element that is under the mouse-cursor.
Svg manipulations after applying the plugin should take part inside of the zpd group. I.e. if you would like to add a new element that should inherit zooming and panning, you should not add it directly to the svg, but to the zpd-group within.
Include snap.svg.zpd.js
after snap.svg.js
<script src="snap.svg.js"></script>
<script src="snap.svg.zpd.js"></script>
Writing the script
var paper = Snap();
var bigCircle =, 150, 100);
// with options and callback
paper.zpd(options, function (err, paper) {
// with callback
paper.zpd(function (err, paper) {
true or false: enable or disable zooming (default true)
true or false: enable or disable panning (default true)
true or false: enable or disable dragging (default false)
number: Zoom sensitivity (default 0.2)
array: min and max zoom level threshold [min, max] (default null)
Destroy all the zpd elements, events and nodes
// => return SVGMatrix {a:0.6787972450256348,b:0,c:0,d:0.6787972450256348,e:159.63783264160156,f:12.84811782836914}
paper.zpd('save', function (err, data) {
// => return SVGMatrix {a:0.6787972450256348,b:0,c:0,d:0.6787972450256348,e:159.63783264160156,f:12.84811782836914}
return current <g> transform attribute (matrix) - only in pan,zoom, not for drag now
paper.zpd({ load: {a:0.6787972450256348,b:0,c:0,d:0.6787972450256348,e:159.63783264160156,f:12.84811782836914}});
set the initial <g> transform matrix
back to the origin location
paper.zpd('toggle', function (err, state) { console.log(state); }); // return current enable state
By default, zpd is enabled, but you can toggle or set its activation using this function. (Useful to toggle mouse event (zpd))
paper.zoomTo(1.5, 3000, mina.bounce, function (err, paper) {
zoom (must > 0), interval (ms optional), mina (optional), callback (optional)
paper.panTo('-1'); // go left -1 x location
paper.panTo('+0', '-1'); // go up -1 y location
paper.panTo(100,100); // go to location (x, y) (100, 100)
paper.panTo(100, 100, 3000, mina.bounce, function (err, paper) {
x, y (can be number or string with + -), interval (ms optional), mina (optional), callback (optional)
paper.panTo(a, x, y, mina.bounce, function (err, paper) {
a (rotate degree) x, y (original point), interval (ms optional), mina (optional), callback (optional)
to add an element to the transformation matrix. select the group that contains the matrix
canvas ='#snapsvg-zpd-';
create an element and add
Basic concepts of matrix
to get the current matrix
SVGMatrix {
a: zoom,
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: zoom,
e: offset X,
f: offset Y
if you need to map one point, for example (x, y)
matrix X = (original X + offsetX) / zoom
matrix Y = (original Y + offsetY) / zoom
Huei Tan
Ramon Saccilotto
and you!