The Advance Tech Podcast provides a spotlight for innovative and disruptive initiatives and features guests building the technology of tomorrow. Hosted by Alexandra Moxin and Adam Dymitruk.
We connect you to founders, developers and influencers from around the globe who give our audience insight into what it takes to massively scale from great idea to leading industry maker.
We're located in Vancouver, BC, Canada and have an audience of 1M listeners globally with the goal of increasing this substantially over 2019.
Pull requests are welcome. We create fairly extensive show notes and guest profiles but sometimes things break. If you notice a broken link or one which needs updating please submit a pull request or contact us at [email protected]
Over the next year we'll be growing our Community Page. If you're working on something groundbreaking or are empowering others in substantial way please consider listing your initiative.
Please submit a pull request or email us if you're part of the organizing, outreach or media team for an upcoming conference and would like to be listed on our Events Page. If your conference explores and promotes Linux, GNU, free and open standards and principles, Bitcoin, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Security/Ethical Hacking, event/ledger based development and progressive system design patterns such as CQRS/ES and functional programming - we'd be happy to list you.
We will be adding more dedicated sponsors to our site in 2019 and would like to improve the design of our Sponsor Page.
We use the Castanet theme created by Matt Stratton which is a podcast-oriented theme for Hugo. Another project for 2019 is to create a highly customizable version of this theme. If you have a keen eye for design, UX or UI and would like to contribute please contact us or create a pull request.
Currently we rsync the content to the live site:
rsync -avz public/ [email protected]:~/www