Pit Boss, named after the casino overseer who controls the various blackjack pits, was designed to
Pit Boss helps you win at Blackjack by recognizing cards played, and using probability to recommend the action the player should take to maximize winnings
I built it with a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and a Pi camera. It utilizes OpenCV and some open source playing card recognition software (https://github.com/EdjeElectronics/OpenCV-Playing-Card-Detector)
Challenges I ran into included how to recognize which cards belong to the player, how to handle the dealer's upside down card, and tracking reshuffles
Using OpenCV and refreshing my knowledge of python, while doing it all on a Raspberry Pi posed significant new hurdles that I'm proud to have attempted
I learned more about OpenCV, and the Pi-Camera.
Pit Boss needs support for a few more things:
Support for the "Split" action Support for multiple players Support for multiple decks
and finally, a head mount in order to make Pit Boss portable
Most card counting devices are illegal to use in a casino, DO NOT use Pit Boss in a casino.