⚠️ This accelbyte-java-modular-sdk is not to be confused with accelbyte-java-sdk:
- The former (modular SDK) is experimental and is planned to be the sucessor for the latter (monolithic SDK).
- The modular SDK allows developers to include only the required modules in projects.
- If you are starting a new project, you may try to use modular SDK.
- If you use monolithic SDK in an existing project, a migration path is available via compatibility layer in modular SDK.
- Both monolithic and modular SDK will be maintained for some time to give time for migration until monolithic SDK is deprecated in the future.
A software development kit (SDK) for interacting with AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) written in Java.
This SDK was generated from AGS OpenAPI spec files included in the spec directory.
This SDK is developed using JDK 8 and Gradle 7.5.
Add the required configuration in gradle.build
. Replace {VERSION}
a specific release version tag from releases
without the leading v
The artifacts are published in Maven Central.
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'net.accelbyte.sdk:module-iam:{VERSION}'
PS. module-iam
is the minimum dependency to use AGS, which is an SDK that wraps AGS IAM service. For more detail please refer to the samples
To migrate from monolitic SDK you need to replace the gradle include statement, from this
dependencies {
implementation 'net.accelbyte.sdk:sdk:{VERSION}'
into this
dependencies {
implementation 'net.accelbyte.sdk:module-iam:{VERSION}'
// also define other module that you needed
implementation 'net.accelbyte.sdk:module-{SERVICE_NAME}:{VERSION}'
The following environment variables need to be set when using DefaultConfigRepository
Name | Required | Example |
Yes | https://test.accelbyte.io |
Yes | abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 |
Yes, but only if you use a confidential AB_CLIENT_ID |
ab#c,d)ef(ab#c,d)ef(ab#c,d)ef(ab |
Use the following to get SDK instance with basic HTTP functionality.
AccelByteConfig config = new AccelByteConfig(
new OkhttpClient(),
new DefaultConfigRepository()); // Using DefaultConfigRepository, make sure the required environment variables are set
AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(config);
Use the following to get SDK instance with HTTP retry functionality.
final DefaultHttpRetryPolicy retryPolicy = new DefaultHttpRetryPolicy();
retryPolicy.setCallTimeout(3000); // In milliseconds
retryPolicy.setRetryInterval(2000); // In milliseconds
retryPolicy.setRetryIntervalType(RetryIntervalType.LINEAR); // LINEAR, EXPONENTIAL are available
private final ReliableHttpClient reliableHttpClient = new ReliableHttpClient(retryPolicy);
AccelByteConfig config = new AccelByteConfig(
new DefaultConfigRepository()); // Using DefaultConfigRepository, make sure the required environment variables are set
AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(config);
Use the following to get SDK instance with automatic token refresh functionality which is performed before each HTTP request but only if access token is almost expired.
AccelByteConfig config = new AccelByteConfig(
new OkhttpClient(),
new DefaultTokenRefreshRepository(); // Using DefaultTokenRefreshRepository which implements TokenRefreshV2 interface to enable automatic token refresh
new DefaultConfigRepository()); // Using DefaultConfigRepository, make sure the required environment variables are set
AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(config);
The on-demand refresh token is intended to be used in environment where automatic refresh token cannot work properly e.g. AWS Lambda.`
DefaultConfigRepository configRepo = new DefaultConfigRepository();
// Must use this if you want to use LoginOrRefresh
DefaultTokenRefreshRepository refreshRepo = new DefaultTokenRefreshRepository();
AccelByteConfig config = new AccelByteConfig(new OkhttpClient(), refreshRepo, configRepo);
AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(config);
// Before making endpoint call
// Either use this for user credentials
boolean result = sdk.loginOrRefreshUser("username", "password");
// Or this for client credentials
boolean result = sdk.loginOrRefreshClient();
You can refer to this example of more details, sample login or refresh
To enable local token validation, use the following when instantiating the SDK. When enabled, the SDK instance will cache JWKS and revocation list for performing token validation so that it does not have to call AccelByte Gaming Services endpoint each time. See Validate Token section on how to validate token using SDK.
final DefaultConfigRepository defaultConfigRepository = new DefaultConfigRepository(); // Using DefaultConfigRepository, make sure the required environment variables are set
defaultConfigRepository.setLocalTokenValidationEnabled(true); // Enable local token validation
defaultConfigRepository.setJwksRefreshInterval(300); // Refresh JWKS for local token validation every 5 minutes
defaultConfigRepository.setRevocationListRefreshInterval(300); // Refresh revocation list for local token validation every 5 minutes
AccelByteConfig config = new AccelByteConfig(
new OkhttpClient(),
AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(config);
boolean login = sdk.loginUser("myUsername", "myPassword");
if (!login) {
// Login failed
boolean login = sdk.loginUser("myUsername", "myPassword", "scopeA scopeB"); // Space separated scope values
if (!login) {
// Login failed
boolean login = sdk.loginClient();
if (!login) {
// Login failed
⚠️ Please use loginClient() function with confidential OAuth client: Using loginClient() function with public OAuth client is not supported.
To validate if an access token is valid and has the required permission, use the ValidateToken
method of AccelByteSDK
instance. To validate an access token without validating the required permission, omit the optional permission
and action
parameters of ValidateToken
method. By default, remote token validation is performed. However, if higher throughput is required, you may enable local token validation as mentioned in Local Token Validation section. With local token validation, token validation will be quicker at the expense of delayed revocation list update (a revoked token may still be regarded as valid until local cache of the revocation list is updated).
boolean isOk = sdk.validateToken("token", "ADMIN:NAMESPACE:serversdktest:INFORMATION:USER:abdedef", 2); // Validate token
if (isOk) {
// Token is valid and has the required permission
else {
// Token is not valid or expired or does not have the required permission
As an example, we will get current user profile info using getMyProfileInfo endpoint available in basic service.
// Login using username and password
boolean login = sdk.loginUser("myUsername", "myPassword");
if (!login) {
System.out.println("login failed");
// Instantiate UserProfile wrapper class which is part of basic service
UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(sdk);
try {
// Make a call to getMyProfileInfo endpoint
UserProfilePrivateInfo response = userProfile
.getMyProfileInfo(new GetMyProfileInfo("accelbyte"));
System.out.println(response.getUserId()); // Success response
} catch (HttpResponseException e) { // Error response from the service
if (e.getHttpCode() == 400) {
// Handle specific error response HTTP code
} catch (IOException e) { // Network error
boolean isOk = sdk.refreshToken(); // Trigger token refresh manually when not using automatic token refresh functionality
if (isOk) {
// Refresh token is succesful or not required
else {
// Refresh token failed
boolean logout = sdk.logout();
if (!logout) {
// Logout failed
Automatic Ping Interval: by default, automatic ping frames are not sent.
To enable the feature, for the LobbyWebSocketClient.create() call, simply pass in:
> 0 to set the number of seconds between each automatic ping (until the connection is closed)pingIntervalMs
= 0 means disabled
Websocket Reconnection: Websocket Reconnection is a feature to help support auto-reconnection on websocket disconnects resulting from RFC 6455 status codes between 1001 to 2999. By default, the feature is off.
To enable the feature, for the LobbyWebSocketClient.create() call, simply pass in:
> 0 to control the delay between each reconnect attempt (with exponential backoff)reconnectDelayMs
= 0 means disabledmaxNumReconnectAttempts
to control the maximum number of reconnection attemptsmaxNumReconnectAttempts
= -1 means unlimited reconnect attempts (reconnectDelayMs
must be > 0 to enable)
final WebSocketListener listener =
new WebSocketListener() {
public void onMessage(@NotNull WebSocket webSocket, @NotNull String text) {
log.info("Received onMessage: " + text);
final int RECONNECT_DELAY_MS = 60000; // 1m (0 to disable)
final int MAX_NUM_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 10; // -1 for unlimited reconnect attempts (RECONNECT_DELAY_MS must be > 0 to enable)
final int PING_INTERVAL_MS = 30000; // 30s (0 to disable)
final LobbyWebSocketClient ws =
new DefaultConfigRepository(), DefaultTokenRepository.getInstance(), listener, RECONNECT_DELAY_MS, MAX_NUM_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS, PING_INTERVAL_MS);
final String requestMessage = PartyCreateRequest.builder().id(request_id).build().toWSM();
Lobby session preservation logic upon reconnect: In the event of a disconnection and a reconnection, the previous lobby session id will be requested for reuse via the "X-Ab-LobbySessionID" header with the cached value from the previous lobby session.
Sample apps are available in the samples directory.
Reference about AccelByte service endpoints and their corresponding SDK API is available in docs/operations directory.
For more information on how to use AccelByte services and SDKs, see docs.accelbyte.io.