First unzip the folder and open terminal into the current directory.
It is recommended to put all the test files in a single folder in the INPUT folder and obtain the output in a single folder in the OUTPUT folder for clarity.
Go into the code folder by using:
cd code
For compiling the code use: make
or make all
The Makefile will generate the executable named main.out
There should be exactly 7 arguments in the following order:
inputFolder outputFolder maxClockCycles numberOfCores coreQueueLength rowAccessDelay colAccessDelay
First argument: the input folder to be simulated which will have mips instruction files for all the cores named 1.txt, 2.txt and so on.
Second argument: the output folder in which the program will give the outputs for all the cores named 1o.txt, 2o.txt and so on along with the DRAM output.
Third argument: maximum number of clock cycles for which the program should run.
Fourth argument: number of cores the CPU should have.
Fifth argument: length of each core's buffer.
Sixth argument: row access delay for the DRAM.
Seventh argument: column access delay for the DRAM.
./main.out ../INPUT/tc1 ../OUTPUT/tc1 200 4 20 10 2
Note: if there aren't exactly 7 arguments then program won't be executed.