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Abram Sanderson edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 1 revision

npm package scopes


Packages that are part of the platform itself, including platform DDSes, protocol definitions, shared interfaces, as well as reference implementations of components of the system (e.g. Routerlicious). This is the "default" scope for packages in the FluidFramework repo.


Public packages containing tools developed within the Fluid Framework repo that may be of general use to Fluid and/or JavaScript developers.


Packages used internally by FluidFramework and adjacent partner teams. These packages generally contain infrastructure that is only of use to partner teams of the Fluid Framework development team.


Private packages used internally within the Fluid Framework repo. These packages contain infrastructure that can only be used by the Fluid Framework team. This enables a lower commitment to stable APIs, as breaking changes can only affect the FluidFramework repository. These packages are generally not published internally, but may be in order to facilitate validation pipelines.


Packages that are experimental and should not be used in critical scenarios. We use this scope when we're not sure if a package should be included in the platform SDK. Some platform packages will start in this scope and be renamed and published under the @fluidframework scope once the package is no longer considered experimental.

Unscoped packages


This is a package that re-exports the official "public API" for GA. Everything exposed through this package should also be exposed in an @fluidframework package.


This is the server version of the tinylicious package. Installed/run via npx tinylicious.