If docker local installation hasn't been done, switch to the docker_server folder first:
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
docker --version
Reference for docker installation on Ubuntu:
If the shell script cannot be run, check if there is permission for the script. Otherwise change the mode with chmod
Check the version of host GPU driver before creating the docker and container, carefully keeping the same with the version inside docker. Currently the NVIDIA driver version inside the docker repos is 470.86.
In Ubuntu, Software & Updates > Additional Drivers
is recommanded to update the Nvidia driver.
Open the terminal, input nvidia-smi and press enter to get the driver version:
Know issue:
- If your OS is Ubuntu21.04 or later, please refer to issue 18 to fix.
sudo systemctl --now enable docker
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
&& curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add - \
&& curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
sudo systemctl restart docker
# test
sudo docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.0-base nvidia-smi
Reference link for docker installation:
Register the dockerhub account:
And get access token for late use:
login the docker account
sudo docker login
Download the docker image:
sudo docker pull rmus2022/server:v1.0.0
Four image sources are provided for users:
- rmus2022/server:v1.0.0
- rmus2022a/server:v1.0.0
- rmus2022b/server:v1.0.0
- rmus2022c/server:v1.0.0
- please pay attention to the official docker host for further update.
- Campus networks might limit the pull docker speed in the mainland
Due to the size of the image files, waiting for minutes to more than an hour to download the files is typical.
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
Please confirm the right tag
and repository
name in create_container_server.sh
An Error
will be reported while there is no sim2real_server
container. No need to worry.
Changes without docker commit
will be deleted after each time the script run.
Run this line again after reset
sudo docker start sim2real_server
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
password: 123
Enter the docker
cd ~/habitat-sim/
./build/viewer ./data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/van-gogh-room.glb
There should be a window created and scene showed in the window, use W
, A
, S
, D
to control agent move.
Start a new terminal.
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
Create a new terminal
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
cd ~/ros_x_habitat_ws/src/ros_x_habitat/
python3 src/scripts/roam_with_joy.py --hab-env-config-path ./configs/roam_configs/pointnav_rgbd_roam_mp3d_test_scenes.yaml
The displays of the RGB/depth/third_rgb should be right.
If there is error, start it again
Create a new terminal
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
Mouse click to activate the terminal of keyboard control
Press q
, z
, increase or decrease the speed of the robot.
- Press
, to control forward/backward/rotation. - Press
, to control the horizontal movement. - Press
, stop the robot moving. - Press
, to move the robotic arm to the place to grab up. - Press
, to move the robotic arm to the place to place down. - Press
, to pick the ore. - Press
, to place the ore.
Download the image (according to the latest released version).
sudo docker pull rmus2022/client:v1.0.0
Four image sources are provided for users:
- rmus2022/client:v1.0.0
- rmus2022a/client:v1.0.0
- rmus2022b/client:v1.0.0
- rmus2022c/client:v1.0.0
- please pay attention to the official docker host for further update.
- Campus networks might limit the pull docker speed in the mainland
Please confirm the right tag
and repository
name in create_container_server.sh
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_client
Confirm the tag
in create_container_client
is the right version.
Change the CPU and RAM parameter from the create_container_client.sh
according to the host machine, to meet the performance of robot on board NUC unit.
Formula to compute CPU scaling coefficient
cpu = (Freq of single CPU core in NUC * cores of NUC CPU)/(Freq of CPU in the host)
For example:
the host CPU: Intel® Xeon(R) W-2125 CPU @ 4.00GHz * 8
NUC onboard cpu: 11th Gen Intel® Core i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz * 8then:
cpu = (2.8 * 8) / 4 = 5.6
NUC onboard RAM: 8GB
for the first time of execution there will be "Error: No such container: sim2real_client", no need to worry.
Changes without docker commit
will be deleted after each time the script run.
3.3.1 Restart the server
(follow the step 3 in docker server)
, depth
, third_rgb
monitor should be correct.
If there is error, start it again.
Running again after restart.
sudo docker start sim2real_client
Start a new terminal
cd ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_client
cd ~
roslaunch rtab_navigation rtab_navigation.launch
Send 2D Nav Goal
through rviz
3.4.1 Restart the server
(follow the step 3 in docker server)
, depth
, third_rgb
monitor should be correct.
If there is error, start it again.
Start a new terminal with the client docker:
cd ./ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_client
cd ~
roslaunch carto_navigation navigation.launch
Send 2D Nav Goal
through rviz
Here we will introduce the basic process of how pickup/place the ore, and the demonstration of the usage of the automatic detector.
Note: Here comes the the Vision Markers on the Cube, feel free to build your own detector.
- Remote control the robot to the front of the ore
- Start a new terminal with the client docker for the commands below:
roscd ep_detect_and_grasp
python3 detect_cube.py
Start a new terminal with the client docker for the commands below:
python3 grasp_cube.py
Start a new terminal with the client docker for the commands below:
roscd ep_detect_and_grasp
python3 place_cube.py
- Remote control the robot to the front of the Exchange Stations
- Ensure
is started - Start a new terminal for the following command:
python3 place_cube.py
- The robot will get the
between theBOX
three Exchange Stations to place
The challenge submit the player algorithm with https://hub.docker.com/
Create a new private repo for the challenge with the name rmus2022
Package the downloaded client image with tag (could be user defined), with the dockerhub_name
from the name of your dockerhub account:
sudo docker tag rmus2022/client:v.0.1.0 dockerhub_name/rmus2022:tag
Push the new client image with your tag to your private repo:
sudo docker push dockerhub_name/rmus2022:tag
According to your private repo and the name of your tag, change the image name in create_container_client.sh
- Start the
, create a new container - Start the
enter the client image to develop
git tool is recommanded to manage the code version.
editor is available to develop in the docker
code ~/ep_ws
Save the edited docker locally, using the original tag will overwrite the content of the previous tag version.
sudo docker commit sim2real_client dockerhub_name/rmus2022:new_tag
Push the docker to private repo to save the current docker image to dockerhub
sudo docker push dockerhub_name/rmus2022:tag
Reference link to docker token
While submit the evaluation version to the challenge, the account name and token of dockerhub will submit via the online system.