This application provides a Command Line Interface for Pinning APIs.
Requirements :
- git
- go
Build it:
cd pinning
go build
- login: Save api key and secret key to configuration file
- pin : Add a hash to Pinning for asynchronous pinning
- get-pin: Retrieves a pinned item from the IPFS network by ID
- list-pins : List of user pins
- info : Get total information about your content
- unpin : Unpin a hash from Pinning
pinning --help
There is many flags available on each command, so do not forget to run help on each of them for more details on these flags.
Operation result is available on stdout in JSON format.
Logs are available on stderr.
Credentials to call Pinning APIs are sourced in the following order :
- from command line flags
- from a configuration file
pinning login --key "your_key" --secret "your_secret"
Configuration file is written in JSON.
You can pin a file
pinning pin --file afile.txt
You can pin a whole directory
pinning pin --file ../some/where
You can wrap the directory name in the parent hash
pinning pin --file ../some/where -w
You can choose a name for display in Pinning
pinning pin --file afile.txt --name "a_name"
You can choose add metadata for your own usage
pinning pin --file afile.txt --keyvalue key1:value1 --keyvalue key2:value2
You can add a hash to be pinned
pinning pin --hash QmdYTBNig2d4dQd5o1LXM3NHbCYA7168NpN5R9m44vDj88 --keyvalue key1:value1 --keyvalue key2:value2
Get pin by id
pinning get-pin --id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Or list all your pins
pinning list-pins
Or your custom
./pinning list-pins --pinned=true --sortBy=created_at --sortOrder=DESC --limit=10 --offset=0 --keyvalue=key1:value1 --keyvalue=key2:value2
And finally unpin a hash
pinning unpin --id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000