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Added ECS tests with examples
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Chris-plusplus committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent 8ace7ae commit 8fab261
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Showing 3 changed files with 553 additions and 0 deletions.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions tests/ecs/Component.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
#include <tuple>

#include <Ecs.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

namespace ecs = arch::ecs;

TEST(ECS, ComponentSimple) {
// to create your own component you need to perform very specific steps:
// 1. just create them
// 2. Lorem ipsum
// 3. You: Wait, it's that easy?
// 4. Me: Why would it be any different?

struct Pos {
float x;
float y;

struct Vel {
float x;
float y;

// the above components are the simplest that can be
// plain structs like those model many crucial concepts (on them later)

ecs::Domain<ecs::e32> domain;

// components can be then added to entites:
auto e0 = domain.newEntity();

// create component Pos for e0

// they also are accessible by e0 handle:
domain.getComponent<Pos>(e0).x = 4;
domain.getComponent<Pos>(e0).y = 5;

// each call to getComponent<T> is O(1):
// 1 hash-map find, where hash result is compile-time
// 2 vector find, by index
// in Unity for example, analogous GetComponent<T> is O(n):
// going through list of components until T is found

// each entity can only have 1 component of each type
// this limits search time

// attempting to create another component returns one already existing:
auto& oldPos = domain.getComponent<Pos>(e0);
EXPECT_EQ(&oldPos, &domain.addComponent<Pos>(e0));

// let's add another entity
auto e1 = domain.newEntity();

// and it's components
// addComponent returns reference to created component
auto& e1Pos = domain.addComponent<Pos>(e1, 1, 2);
// arguments for creating Pos -------------^--^

// addComponent without template parameters
auto& e1Vel = domain.addComponent(e1, Vel{ .x = 4, .y = 6 });

// you can check if entity has component of given type

// you can also remove components

// what happens when you call getComponent<T>, but entity does not contain it?
// C++ standard calls this: Undefined Behavior (UB)
// basicly whatever can happen (most likely SEGFAULT crash)

// how can you then shield yourself from UB?
// ofc by using optionals with tryGetComponent<T>
auto e1Pos = domain.tryGetComponent<Pos>(e1);

// you can check if optional contains value:

// if it contains something, access it:
if (e1Pos or e1Pos.has_value()) {
auto& e1PosReference = e1Pos->get();
// ...

// ECS counts how many components of specific type are there
EXPECT_EQ(domain.count<Pos>(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(domain.count<Vel>(), 1);

// you can also iterate over all components of any type
for (auto&& [entity, pos] : domain.components<Pos>()) {
// ...
for (auto&& [entity, vel] : domain.components<Vel>()) {
// ...

// what if you wanted to flag some entities?
// creating special component for that purpose is a solution

struct WorseEnemyFlag {};

// however component like this will occupy space (not efficient)
// better way is to explicitly mark this component as a flag

struct EnemyFlag {
static constexpr bool flagComponent = true;

// if empty class (no non-static field) has static compile-time constant
// flagComponent/FlagComponent/flag_component = true, then it is considered a flag-component
// flag-components are never instantiated, therefore occupy less space

TEST(ECS, ComponentFlag) {
ecs::Domain<ecs::e32> domain;

auto e0 = domain.newEntity();
auto e1 = domain.newEntity();
auto e2 = domain.newEntity();
auto e3 = domain.newEntity();


// for flag-components, getComponent<T> == hasComponent<T>
EXPECT_EQ(typeid(domain.getComponent<EnemyFlag>(e2)), typeid(domain.hasComponent<EnemyFlag>(e2)));

// instead of reference to component, getComponent<T> returns bool
// meaning getComponent<T> will never result in an UB

for (auto&& [entity, vel] : domain.components<EnemyFlag>()) {
// ...

// now let's dive deep into implementation details

// in C++ there is a thing called 'concepts'
// they describe requirements for types, that need to be satisfied
// starting from memory size of type, ending at minute details about its methods

// if type 'T' satisfies all requirements of a concept 'C', then we say that T models C
// for example float and double model std::floating_point and lambdas model std::invocable

// concepts refine older C++ concept: Named Requirements
// those are abstract rules that types must follow if thew want to perform specific operaions
// concepts were added in C++20, meaning that for 22 years C++ standard library was written without them
// huge amount of std code does not depend on them, being the reason why C++ errors are so bizzare-looking
// (not to mention that for ~12 years C++ was not standardized)

// the most important concept used in this ECS is std::movable
// it requires types to:
// be move-constructible (have move-constructor)
// be move-assignable (have move-assign operator)
// be swappable (have method swap() or have specialized std::swap)

// now that you know what concepts are and understand what std::movable types are capable of
// I can now explain what in-place components are

// in-place components are components which are not moved in the internal storage on basic operations like add/remove
// this means that any pointers or references to them will not be invalidated while performing
// operationson the other components of that type, in contrast to regular components
// this also means that storage for in-place components might not be random-access
// marking components are in-place components works simmilar to flag components
// you need to make compile-time constant named inPlaceComponent/InPlaceComponent/in_place_component = true

struct Ship {
static constexpr bool inPlaceComponent = true;

float health;
float bulletDamage;

// by default components are not in-place components
// you can still explicitly mark them as not in-place
// however if you do that, while components does not model std::movable
// you will get a compilation error, because non-movable components can only be in-place
// and non-movables will be marked as in-place by default

// I have mentioned 'internal storage' before, but what does it mean?
// every instance of 'Ship', requires 8 bytes of memory
// this memory is handled internally by ComponentPools
// by default, this memory for components is segmented into pages of size 1024 (instances, not bytes)
// thanks to this, add operation on components will not reallocate nor move any components in memory
// It may only allocate new page if previous pages are full
// just as all the other settings, this also can be customized in class by compile-time constant
// componentPageSize/ComponentPageSize/component_page_size = <page-size>
// pageSize is ignored if component is marked as flag-component
// ATTENTION! page size must be a power of two, to aquire (2^N) just write (1 << N)

// those 3 settings can be written in definition of your class
// but it can also be put into specialization of arch::ecs::ComponentSpecs<T>, which will override all other settings
// contrary to in-class settings, this method requires you to explicitly set all settings, not just one

struct arch::ecs::ComponentSpecs<Ship> {
// prolonging in-class setting
// if set to false, in-class setting would be overridden
static constexpr bool inPlace = true;

// not empty -> not a flag
static constexpr bool flag = false;

// let's change pageSize to something different
// for example: 2^5 = 32
static constexpr size_t pageSize = (1 << 5);

// let's now check if our settings acually work

TEST(ECS, ComponentInPlaceCustomPageSize) {
ecs::Domain<ecs::e32> domain;

std::array<ecs::e32, 32 * 3> entities;
for (size_t i = 0; i != 32 * 3; ++i) {
entities[i] = domain.newEntity();


// for later
auto& shipOf0 = domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[0]);
auto& shipOf31 = domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[31]);

for (size_t i = 0; i != 32; ++i) {
// getting ships 32 (pageSize) instances apart
auto& ship1 = domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[i]);
auto& ship2 = domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[i + 32]);
auto& ship3 = domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[i + 64]);

// normally ship2 would be 32 instances furhter than ship2
// but since they are on different pages, they are not
// (there still is non-zero chance of them being that close, because of that tests below are commented out)
// ASSERT_NE(&ship1 + 32, &ship2);
// ASSERT_NE(&ship1 + 64, &ship3);
// ASSERT_NE(&ship2 + 32, &ship3);

for (size_t i = 1; i != 31; ++i) {
// entities 0-31 have Ship component
// let's remove them from 1-30

// now we can be certain that Ships for 0 and 31 are not close in memory
// (by close means one instance after another)
ASSERT_NE(abs(&domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[31]) - &domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[0])), sizeof(Ship));

// also their place in memory has not changed
ASSERT_EQ(&shipOf0, &domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[0]));
ASSERT_EQ(&shipOf31, &domain.getComponent<Ship>(entities[31]));

// this is mostly it for components
// remember that these are just examples
// not every components needs to be full-public struct
// ECS supports classes with private fields/methods
// but doesn't suppot polymorphic classes
// because being polymorphic makes memory of an object
// very complex with virtual tables, and very 'implementation-defined'

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