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Process data from reproducibility service
Lars Vilhuber
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Vilhuber, Lars. 2024. "Process data for the AEA Pre-publication Verification Service." American Economic Association [publisher]. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2024-04-29.

  doi = {10.3886/E117876V5},
  url = {},
  author = {Vilhuber,  Lars},
  title = {Process data for the AEA Pre-publication Verification Service},
  institution = {American Economic Association [publisher]},
  series = {ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research},
  year = {2024}}


This project requires

  • R (last run with R 4.2.3)
    • package here (>=0.1)

Other packages might be installed automatically by the programs, as long as the requirements above are met, see Session Info.


The workflow

Workflow stages

Raw process data

Raw process data is manually extracted from Jira, and saved as

  • export_MM-DD-YYYY.csv (for detailed transaction-level data)

The data is not made available outside of the organization, as it contains names of replicators, manuscript numbers, and verbatim email correspondence.

At this time, the latest extract was made 2023-12-09.

Anonymized data

We subset the raw data to variables of interest, and substitute random numbers for sensitive strings. This is done by running 02_jira_anonymize.R. The programs saves both the confidential version and the anonymized version.

## > source(here::here("programs", "config.R"), echo = TRUE)
## > process_raw <- TRUE
## > download_raw <- TRUE
## > extractday <- "12-09-2023"
## > firstday <- "2022-12-01"
## > lastday <- "2023-11-30"
## > basepath <- here::here()
## > setwd(basepath)
## > jiraconf <- file.path(basepath, "data", "confidential")
## > if (Sys.getenv("HOSTNAME") == "zotique3") {
## +     jiraconf <- paste0(Sys.getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"), "/gvfs/,ssl=true/dav/Office  ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > jiraanon <- file.path(basepath, "data", "anon")
## > jirameta <- file.path(basepath, "data", "metadata")
## > images <- file.path(basepath, "images")
## > tables <- file.path(basepath, "tables")
## > programs <- file.path(basepath, "programs")
## > temp <- file.path(basepath, "data", "temp")
## > for (dir in list(images, tables, programs, temp)) {
## +     if (file.exists(dir)) {
## +     }
## +     else {
## +         dir.create(file.path(dir))
## +     }
##  .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > <- file.path(jiraconf, "")
## > assignee.lookup.rds <- file.path(jiraconf, "assignee-lookup.RDS")
## > mc.lookup.rds <- file.path(jiraconf, "mc-lookup.RDS")
## > if (file.exists(here::here("programs", "confidential-config.R"))) {
## +     source(here::here("programs", "confidential-config.R"))
## + }
## > source(here::here("global-libraries.R"), echo = TRUE)
## > <- "2023-11-01"
## > options(repos = paste0("", 
## +, "/"))
## > global.libraries <- c("dplyr", "stringr", "tidyr", 
## +     "knitr", "readr", "here", "splitstackshape", "boxr", "jose")
## > pkgTest <- function(x) {
## +     if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
## +         install.packages(x, dep = TRUE)
## +         if (!require(x, charact .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > pkgTest.github <- function(x, source) {
## +     if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
## +         install_github(paste(source, x, sep = "/"))
## +      .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > results <- sapply(as.list(global.libraries), pkgTest)
## > exportfile <- paste0("export_", extractday, ".csv")
## > if (!file.exists(file.path(jiraconf, exportfile))) {
## +     process_raw = FALSE
## +     print("Input file for anonymization not found - setting global  ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > if (process_raw == TRUE) {
## +     jira.conf.raw <- read.csv(file.path(jiraconf, exportfile), 
## +         stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% rename(ticket = .... [TRUNCATED]
## Joining with `by = join_by(ticket)`

Publishing data

Some additional cleaning and matching, and then we write out the file

## > source(here::here("programs", "config.R"), echo = TRUE)
## > process_raw <- TRUE
## > download_raw <- TRUE
## > extractday <- "12-09-2023"
## > firstday <- "2022-12-01"
## > lastday <- "2023-11-30"
## > basepath <- here::here()
## > setwd(basepath)
## > jiraconf <- file.path(basepath, "data", "confidential")
## > if (Sys.getenv("HOSTNAME") == "zotique3") {
## +     jiraconf <- paste0(Sys.getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"), "/gvfs/,ssl=true/dav/Office  ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > jiraanon <- file.path(basepath, "data", "anon")
## > jirameta <- file.path(basepath, "data", "metadata")
## > images <- file.path(basepath, "images")
## > tables <- file.path(basepath, "tables")
## > programs <- file.path(basepath, "programs")
## > temp <- file.path(basepath, "data", "temp")
## > for (dir in list(images, tables, programs, temp)) {
## +     if (file.exists(dir)) {
## +     }
## +     else {
## +         dir.create(file.path(dir))
## +     }
##  .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > <- file.path(jiraconf, "")
## > assignee.lookup.rds <- file.path(jiraconf, "assignee-lookup.RDS")
## > mc.lookup.rds <- file.path(jiraconf, "mc-lookup.RDS")
## > source(here::here("global-libraries.R"), echo = TRUE)
## > <- "2023-11-01"
## > options(repos = paste0("", 
## +, "/"))
## > global.libraries <- c("dplyr", "stringr", "tidyr", 
## +     "knitr", "readr", "here", "splitstackshape", "boxr", "jose")
## > pkgTest <- function(x) {
## +     if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
## +         install.packages(x, dep = TRUE)
## +         if (!require(x, charact .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > pkgTest.github <- function(x, source) {
## +     if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
## +         install_github(paste(source, x, sep = "/"))
## +      .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > results <- sapply(as.list(global.libraries), pkgTest)
## > jira.anon.raw <- readRDS(file.path(jiraanon, "temp.jira.anon.RDS")) %>% 
## +     rename(reason.failure =  .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > jira.conf.subtask <- jira.anon.raw %>% filter(subtask != 
## +     "") %>% select(ticket, subtask) %>% separate_longer_delim(subtask, 
## +     delim = ", ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > jira.anon <- jira.anon.raw %>% filter(! %>% 
## +     anti_join(jira.conf.subtask) %>% select(ticket, date_created, 
## +     date_u .... [TRUNCATED]
## Joining with `by = join_by(ticket)`
## > saveRDS(jira.anon, file = file.path(jiraanon, "jira.anon.RDS"))
## > write.csv(jira.anon, file = file.path(jiraanon, "jira.anon.csv"))

Describing the Data

The anonymized data has 15 columns.


## Rows: 15 Columns: 2
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (2): name, label
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
name label
ticket The tracking number within the system. Project specific. Sequentially assigned upon receipt.
date_created Date of a receipt
date_updated Date of a transaction
mc_number_anon The (anonymized) number assigned by the editorial workflow system (Manuscript Central/ ScholarOne) to a manuscript. This is purged by a script of any revision suffixes.
Journal Journal associated with an issue and manuscript. Derived from the manuscript number. Possibly updated by hand
Status Status associated with a ticket at any point in time. The schema for these has changed over time.
Software.used A list of software used to replicate the issue.
received An indicator for whether the issue is just created and has not been assigned to a replicator yet.
Changed.Fields A transaction will change various fields. These are listed here.
external An indicator for whether the issue required the external validation.
Resolution Resolution associated with a ticket at the end of the replication process.
reason.failure A list of reasons for failure to fully replicate.
MCStatus NA
MCRecommendation Decision status when the issue is Revise and Resubmit.
MCRecommendationV2 Decision status when the issue is conditionally accepted.

Sample records

ticket date_created date_updated mc_number_anon Journal Status Software.used received Changed.Fields external Resolution reason.failure MCStatus MCRecommendation MCRecommendationV2
AEAREP-4863 2023-12-08 2023-12-08 1 AER:Insights Open Stata Yes Software used No CA
AEAREP-4863 2023-12-08 2023-12-08 1 AER:Insights Open Yes openICPSR Project Number No CA
AEAREP-4863 2023-12-08 2023-12-08 1 AER:Insights Open Yes Manuscript Central identifier No CA
AEAREP-4862 2023-12-08 2023-12-08 2 AER Open Python Yes Software used No CA
AEAREP-4862 2023-12-08 2023-12-08 2 AER Open Yes openICPSR Project Number No CA
AEAREP-4862 2023-12-08 2023-12-08 2 AER Open Yes Journal No CA

Lab members during this period

We list the lab members active at some point during this period. This still requires confidential data as an input.

## > source(here::here("programs", "config.R"), echo = TRUE)
## > process_raw <- TRUE
## > download_raw <- TRUE
## > extractday <- "12-09-2023"
## > firstday <- "2022-12-01"
## > lastday <- "2023-11-30"
## > basepath <- here::here()
## > setwd(basepath)
## > jiraconf <- file.path(basepath, "data", "confidential")
## > if (Sys.getenv("HOSTNAME") == "zotique3") {
## +     jiraconf <- paste0(Sys.getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"), "/gvfs/,ssl=true/dav/Office  ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > jiraanon <- file.path(basepath, "data", "anon")
## > jirameta <- file.path(basepath, "data", "metadata")
## > images <- file.path(basepath, "images")
## > tables <- file.path(basepath, "tables")
## > programs <- file.path(basepath, "programs")
## > temp <- file.path(basepath, "data", "temp")
## > for (dir in list(images, tables, programs, temp)) {
## +     if (file.exists(dir)) {
## +     }
## +     else {
## +         dir.create(file.path(dir))
## +     }
##  .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > <- file.path(jiraconf, "")
## > assignee.lookup.rds <- file.path(jiraconf, "assignee-lookup.RDS")
## > mc.lookup.rds <- file.path(jiraconf, "mc-lookup.RDS")
## > if (file.exists(here::here("programs", "confidential-config.R"))) {
## +     source(here::here("programs", "confidential-config.R"))
## + }
## > source(here::here("global-libraries.R"), echo = TRUE)
## > <- "2023-11-01"
## > options(repos = paste0("", 
## +, "/"))
## > global.libraries <- c("dplyr", "stringr", "tidyr", 
## +     "knitr", "readr", "here", "splitstackshape", "boxr", "jose")
## > pkgTest <- function(x) {
## +     if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
## +         install.packages(x, dep = TRUE)
## +         if (!require(x, charact .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > pkgTest.github <- function(x, source) {
## +     if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
## +         install_github(paste(source, x, sep = "/"))
## +      .... [TRUNCATED] 
## > results <- sapply(as.list(global.libraries), pkgTest)
## > exclusions <- c("Lars Vilhuber", "Michael Darisse", 
## +     "Sofia Encarnacion", "Linda Wang", "Leonel Borja Plaza", 
## +     "User ", "Takshil Sachdev ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > lookup <- read_csv(file.path(jirameta, "lookup.csv"))
## Rows: 2 Columns: 2
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (2): Assignee, Name
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## > <- readRDS(
## > lab.member <- %>% filter(date_created >= 
## +     firstday, date_created < lastday) %>% filter(Assignee != 
## +     "") %>% filter(!Assig .... [TRUNCATED]
## Joining with `by = join_by(Assignee)`
## > write.table(lab.member, file = file.path(basepath, 
## +     "data", "replicationlab_members.txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
## > external.member <- %>% filter( != 
## +     "") %>% mutate(date_created = as.Date(substr(Created, 1, 
## +     10), "%m/ ..." ... [TRUNCATED] 
## > write.table(external.member, file = file.path(basepath, 
## +     "data", "external_replicators.txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)

There were a total of 45 lab members over the course of the 12 month period.

R session info

## R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] jose_1.2.0            openssl_2.0.6         boxr_0.3.6           
##  [4] splitstackshape_1.4.8 here_1.0.1            readr_2.1.4          
##  [7] knitr_1.42            tidyr_1.3.0           stringr_1.5.0        
## [10] dplyr_1.1.0          
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] pillar_1.8.1      bslib_0.4.2       compiler_4.2.3    jquerylib_0.1.4  
##  [5] tools_4.2.3       bit_4.0.5         digest_0.6.31     jsonlite_1.8.4   
##  [9] evaluate_0.20     lifecycle_1.0.3   tibble_3.2.0      pkgconfig_2.0.3  
## [13] rlang_1.1.0       cli_3.6.0         rstudioapi_0.14   parallel_4.2.3   
## [17] yaml_2.3.7        xfun_0.43         fastmap_1.1.1     withr_2.5.0      
## [21] askpass_1.1       generics_0.1.3    vctrs_0.5.2       sass_0.4.5       
## [25] hms_1.1.2         bit64_4.0.5       rprojroot_2.0.3   tidyselect_1.2.0 
## [29] data.table_1.14.8 glue_1.6.2        R6_2.5.1          fansi_1.0.4      
## [33] vroom_1.6.1       rmarkdown_2.20    purrr_1.0.1       tzdb_0.3.0       
## [37] magrittr_2.0.3    htmltools_0.5.4   ellipsis_0.3.2    utf8_1.2.3       
## [41] stringi_1.7.12    cachem_1.0.7      crayon_1.5.2