This form had three values:
- data that can be made available to the Data Editor (privately).
- data that cannot be provided, but can be obtained by replicators within a short time frame.
- data that cannot be easily accessed.
They are not mutually exclusive, but are also not well defined.
The new DCAF is a bit clearer, and more explicit:
- Very Easy to Obtain (example: request takes just a few minutes with no associated costs and the expected response is within a few days).
- Moderately Easy to Obtain (example: request takes less than an hour with minimal cost).
- Moderately Difficult to Obtain (examples: request requires a multipage application; request needs university approvals; request involves significant cost; there is some uncertainty as to whether the proposal will be granted).
- Very Difficult to Obtain (examples: request must be made in person and/or access is provided only in person; request requires substantial funding; data and/or access mechanism may no longer exist).
Some additional examples:
Very Easy to Obtain:
Moderately Easy to Obtain:
- DHS, where a "real" application must be written, which is read by a human being, but otherwise is relatively fast; but see below for DHS geocodes.
- GSOEP, but only for EU nationals
Moderately Difficult to Obtain (examples: request requires a multipage application; request needs university approvals; request involves significant cost; there is some uncertainty as to whether the proposal will be granted).
- Some IPUMS International censuses, which require approval by the partner institution, and might take time
- DHS geocodes in cases where the partner institution needs to give approval
- but also FSRDC, Canadian RDCN, IAB, CASD: any of the formal research data centers, even from the perspective of a local person
- may also include GSOEP if the requester is abroad, and needs to sign an institutional agreement
- various corporate subscriptions, including WRDS, which cannot be obtained without a lot of lawyers interacting, but do have a formal access mechanism
Very Difficult to Obtain
- Individual data use agreements that rely on personal interactions
- Data that are only available in a single physical location in person