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[iLQR] RuntimeError: [backward_pass_iter] Inf value detected in Snext #6

IoannisDadiotis opened this issue Mar 10, 2022 · 0 comments


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IoannisDadiotis commented Mar 10, 2022

I attach an error related with the ilqr solver when run in a receding horizon fashion. @alaurenzi @FrancescoRuscelli
Similar to your example I run python --replay where centauro_test,py is:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import time
from typing import List
from horizon import problem
from horizon.utils import utils, kin_dyn, plotter, mat_storer
from casadi_kin_dyn import pycasadi_kin_dyn as cas_kin_dyn
from horizon.solvers import solver
import os, argparse
import numpy as np
import casadi as cs

from plot_helper import plotsomeVariables

def str2bool(v):
  #susendberg's function
  return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")

def main(args):

    rviz_replay = args.replay
    codegen = args.codegen
    warmstart_flag = args.warmstart
    plot_sol = args.plot

    if codegen:
        input("code for ilqr will be generated in: '/tmp/ilqr_walk'. Press a key to resume. \n")

    solver_type = 'ilqr'
    resampling = False
    load_initial_guess = False

    if rviz_replay:
        from horizon.ros.replay_trajectory import replay_trajectory
        import rospy
        plot_sol = False

    path_to_examples = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    if warmstart_flag:
        file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
        save_dir = path_to_examples + '/mat_files'
        save_file = path_to_examples + f'/mat_files/{file_name}.mat'

        if not os.path.isdir(save_dir):

        ms = mat_storer.matStorer(path_to_examples + f'/mat_files/{file_name}.mat')

        if os.path.isfile(save_file):
            print(f'{file_name}.mat file found. Using previous solution as initial guess.')
            load_initial_guess = True
            print(f'{file_name}.mat file NOT found. The solution will be saved for future warmstarting.')

    # options
    transcription_method = 'multiple_shooting'
    transcription_opts = dict(integrator='RK4')
    load_initial_guess = False
    tf = 10.0
    n_nodes = 100
    ilqr_plot_iter = False

    # load urdf
    path_to_current_repo = '/home/idadiotis/centauro_ws/src/try_horizon'
    urdffile = os.path.join(path_to_current_repo, 'urdf', 'centauro_horizon.urdf')
    urdf = open(urdffile, 'r').read()
    kindyn = cas_kin_dyn.CasadiKinDyn(urdf)

    # joint names
    joint_names = kindyn.joint_names()
    if 'universe' in joint_names: joint_names.remove('universe')
    if 'floating_base_joint' in joint_names: joint_names.remove('floating_base_joint')
    if 'reference' in joint_names: joint_names.remove('reference')

    # parameters
    n_c = 4
    n_q = kindyn.nq()
    n_v = kindyn.nv()
    n_f = 3
    dt = tf / n_nodes
    contacts_name = ['contact_1', 'contact_2', 'contact_3', 'contact_4']
    # contacts_name = ['wheel_1', 'wheel_2', 'wheel_3', 'wheel_4']

    # define dynamics
    prb = problem.Problem(n_nodes)
    q = prb.createStateVariable('q', n_q)
    q_dot = prb.createStateVariable('q_dot', n_v)
    q_ddot = prb.createInputVariable('q_ddot', n_v)
    f_list = [prb.createInputVariable(f'force_{i}', n_f) for i in contacts_name]
    x, x_dot = utils.double_integrator_with_floating_base(q, q_dot, q_ddot)

    # contact map
    contact_map = dict(zip(contacts_name, f_list))

    homing_config = {
        # "reference": 0,     # what is it
        "j_wheel_1": 0,
        "j_wheel_2": 0,
        "j_wheel_3": 0,
        "j_wheel_4": 0,
        "ankle_pitch_1": -0.301666,
        "ankle_pitch_2": 0.301666,
        "ankle_pitch_3": 0.301667,
        "ankle_pitch_4": -0.301667,
        "ankle_yaw_1": 0.746874,
        "ankle_yaw_2": -0.746874,
        "ankle_yaw_3": -0.746874,
        "ankle_yaw_4": 0.746874,
        "d435_head_joint": 0,
        "hip_pitch_1": -1.25409,
        "hip_pitch_2": 1.25409,
        "hip_pitch_3": 1.25409,
        "hip_pitch_4": -1.25409,
        "hip_yaw_1": -0.746874,
        "hip_yaw_2": 0.746874,
        "hip_yaw_3": 0.746874,
        "hip_yaw_4": -0.746874,
        "j_arm1_1": 0.520149,
        "j_arm1_2": 0.320865,
        "j_arm1_3": 0.274669,
        "j_arm1_4": -2.23604,
        "j_arm1_5": 0.0500815,
        "j_arm1_6": -0.781461,
        "j_arm1_7": -0.0567608,
        "j_arm2_1": 0.520149,
        "j_arm2_2": -0.320865,
        "j_arm2_3": -0.274669,
        "j_arm2_4": -2.23604,
        "j_arm2_5": -0.0500815,
        "j_arm2_6": -0.781461,
        "j_arm2_7": 0.0567608,
        "knee_pitch_1": -1.55576,
        "knee_pitch_2": 1.55576,
        "knee_pitch_3": 1.55576,
        "knee_pitch_4": -1.55576,
        "torso_yaw": 3.56617e-13,
        "velodyne_joint": 0
    # initial state
    base_init_pose = [0.0, 0.0, 0.718, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    q_init_list = np.concatenate((base_init_pose, [homing_config[name] for name in joint_names]))
    q_init = np.array(q_init_list)
    q.setBounds(q_init, q_init, 0)
    q_dot.setBounds(np.zeros(n_v), np.zeros(n_v), 0)

    # initial guess
    for f in f_list:
        f.setInitialGuess([0, 0, 280])

    # joint limits
    q_min = [-10., -10., -10., -1., -1., -1., -1.]  # floating base

    q_max = [10., 10., 10., 1., 1., 1., 1.]  # floating base

    q.setBounds(np.array(q_min), np.array(q_max), [i for i in range(1, n_nodes+1)])

    # dynamic feasibility
    id_fn = kin_dyn.InverseDynamics(kindyn, contact_map.keys(), cas_kin_dyn.CasadiKinDyn.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)
    tau =, q_dot, q_ddot, contact_map)
    prb.createIntermediateConstraint("dynamic_feasibility", tau[:6])

    def residual_to_cost(r):
        return cs.sumsqr(r)

    # base link vreg
    vref = prb.createParameter('vref', 3)
    v = cs.vertcat(q_dot[0], q_dot[1], q_dot[5])
    prb.createCost('vref', 2 * residual_to_cost(v - vref), nodes=range(1, n_nodes + 1))

    # barrier function
    def barrier(x):
        return cs.if_else(x > 0, 0, x ** 2)

    # z trajectory
    def z_trj(tau):
        return 64. * tau ** 3 * (1 - tau) ** 3

    # save containers that will need node shifting
    contact_constr = list()
    unilat_constr = list()
    clea_constr = list()
    contact_y = list()

    zdes_params = list()
    feet_ee_pos = list()

    # contact velocity is zero, and normal force is positive
    for i, frame in enumerate(contacts_name):
        FK = cs.Function.deserialize(
        DFK = cs.Function.deserialize(kindyn.frameVelocity(frame, cas_kin_dyn.CasadiKinDyn.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED))
        DDFK = cs.Function.deserialize(kindyn.frameAcceleration(frame, cas_kin_dyn.CasadiKinDyn.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED))

        p = FK(q=q)['ee_pos']
        v = DFK(q=q, qdot=q_dot)['ee_vel_linear']
        a = DDFK(q=q, qdot=q_dot)['ee_acc_linear']

        # kinematic contact
        contact = prb.createConstraint(f"{frame}_vel", v, nodes=[])

        # unilateral forces
        fcost = barrier(f_list[i][2] - 50.0)  # fz > 10
        unil = prb.createIntermediateCost(f'{frame}_unil', fcost, nodes=[])

        # clearance
        z_des = prb.createParameter(f'{frame}_z_des', 1)
        clea = prb.createConstraint(f"{frame}_clea", p[2] - z_des, nodes=[])

        # go straight
        p0 = FK(q=q_init)['ee_pos']
        cy = prb.createIntermediateCost(f'{frame}_y', 2 * residual_to_cost(p0[1] - p[1]), nodes=[])

        # add to fn container

    # cost
    prb.createIntermediateCost("min_q_ddot", residual_to_cost(1e-2 * (q_ddot)))
    for f in f_list:
        prb.createIntermediateCost(f"min_{f.getName()}", residual_to_cost(1e-3 * (f)))

    # =============
    # =============
    opts = {'ilqr.max_iter': 440,
            'ilqr.alpha_min': 0.1,
            'ilqr.huu_reg': 0.0,
            'ilqr.kkt_reg': 0.0,
            'ilqr.integrator': 'RK4',
            'ilqr.closed_loop_forward_pass': True,
            'ilqr.line_search_accept_ratio': 1e-4,
            'ilqr.kkt_decomp_type': 'ldlt',
            'ilqr.constr_decomp_type': 'qr',
            'ilqr.codegen_enabled': codegen,
            'ilqr.codegen_workdir': '/tmp/ilqr_walk',

    solv = solver.Solver.make_solver(solver_type, prb, opts)

        solv.plot_iter = ilqr_plot_iter

    # helper class representing a step
    class Step:
        def __init__(self, leg, k_start, k_goal, goal=[]):
            self.leg = leg
            self.k_start = k_start
            self.k_goal = k_goal
            self.goal = np.array(goal)

    # create a gait pattern
    steps = list()
    n_steps = 20
    pattern = [3, 1, 2, 0]
    stride_time = 12.0
    duty_cycle = 0.80
    tinit = 1.0

    for i in range(n_steps):
        l = pattern[i % n_c]
        t_start = tinit + i * stride_time / n_c
        t_goal = t_start + stride_time * (1 - duty_cycle)
        s = Step(leg=l, k_start=int(t_start / dt), k_goal=int(t_goal / dt))
        print(l, t_start, t_goal)

    def set_gait_pattern(steps: List[Step], k0: float):
        Set the correct nodes to wpg costs and bounds according
        to a specified gait pattern and initial horizon time (absolute)

        # reset bounds
        for f in f_list:
            f.setBounds(lb=np.full(n_f, -np.inf),
                        ub=np.full(n_f, np.inf))

        # reset contact indices for all legs
        contact_nodes = [list(range(1, n_nodes + 1)) for _ in range(n_c)]
        unilat_nodes = [list(range(n_nodes)) for _ in range(n_c)]
        clea_nodes = [list() for _ in range(n_c)]
        contact_k = [list() for _ in range(n_c)]

        for s in steps:
            s: Step = s
            l = s.leg
            k_start = s.k_start - k0
            k_goal = s.k_goal - k0
            swing_nodes = list(range(k_start, k_goal))
            swing_nodes_in_horizon_x = [k for k in swing_nodes if k >= 0 and k <= n_nodes]
            swing_nodes_in_horizon_u = [k for k in swing_nodes if k >= 0 and k < n_nodes]
            n_swing = len(swing_nodes)

            # this step is outside the horizon!
            if n_swing == 0:

            # update nodes contact constraint
            contact_nodes[l] = [k for k in contact_nodes[l] if k not in swing_nodes]

            # contact instants
            if k_goal <= n_nodes and k_goal > 0:

            # update nodes for unilateral constraint
            unilat_nodes[l] = [k for k in unilat_nodes[l] if k not in swing_nodes]

            # update zero force constraints
            fzero = np.zeros(n_f)
            f_list[l].setBounds(lb=fzero, ub=fzero, nodes=swing_nodes_in_horizon_u)

            # update z trajectory constraints
            # for all swing nodes + first stance node
            k_trj = swing_nodes_in_horizon_x[:]
            # k_trj = [k for k in k_trj if k <= n_nodes]
            for k in k_trj:
                tau = (k - k_start) / n_swing
                zdes_params[l].assign(z_trj(tau) * 0.10, nodes=k)


        for i in range(n_c):
            contact_constr[i].setNodes(contact_nodes[i], erasing=True)
            unilat_constr[i].setNodes(unilat_nodes[i], erasing=True)
            clea_constr[i].setNodes(clea_nodes[i], erasing=True)
            contact_y[i].setNodes(contact_k[i], erasing=True)

    def set_initial_guess():
        xig = np.roll(solv.x_opt, -1, axis=1)
        xig[:, -1] = solv.x_opt[:, -1]

        uig = np.roll(solv.u_opt, -1, axis=1)
        uig[:, -1] = solv.u_opt[:, -1]

        prb.setInitialState(x0=xig[:, 0])

    vref.assign([0.05, 0, 0])
    #base_offset.assign([0.0, 0.0, 0.718])
    k0 = 0
    set_gait_pattern(steps=steps, k0=k0)
    t = time.time()
    elapsed = time.time() - t
    print(f'solved in {elapsed} s')

    solution = solv.getSolutionDict()
    dt_sol = solv.getDt()
    cumulative_dt = np.zeros(len(dt_sol) + 1)
    for i in range(len(dt_sol)):
        cumulative_dt[i + 1] = dt_sol[i] + cumulative_dt[i]

    contact_map = {contacts_name[i]: solution[f_list[i].getName()] for i in range(n_c)}

    if rviz_replay:

            # set ROS stuff and launchfile
            import subprocess
            os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] += ':' + path_to_examples
            subprocess.Popen(["roslaunch", "/home/idadiotis/centauro_ws/src/try_horizon/launch/launcher.launch", 'robot:=centauro'])
            rospy.loginfo("'spot' visualization started.")
            print('Failed to automatically run RVIZ. Launch it manually.')

        repl = replay_trajectory(dt, joint_names, solution['q'], contact_map, cas_kin_dyn.CasadiKinDyn.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED,

        solv.max_iter = 1
        while True:
            vref.assign([0.05, 0, 0])
            k0 += 1
            set_gait_pattern(steps=steps, k0=k0)
            t = time.time()
            elapsed = time.time() - t
            # todo add sleep for dt
            print(f'solved in {elapsed} s')

            solution = solv.getSolutionDict()
            repl.frame_force_mapping = {contacts_name[i]: solution[f_list[i].getName()][:, 0:1] for i in range(n_c)}
            repl.publish_joints(solution['q'][:, 0])
            repl.publishContactForces(, solution['q'][:, 0], 0)

            for f in f_list:
                print(f'{f.getName()} = {solution[f.getName()][2, 0]}')


    solution = solv.getSolutionDict()
    solution_constraints_dict = dict()

    if warmstart_flag:
        if isinstance(dt, cs.SX):
  {**solution, **solution_constraints_dict})
            dt_dict = dict(dt=dt)
  {**solution, **solution_constraints_dict, **dt_dict})

    # ========================================================
    if plot_sol:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import gridspec

        hplt = plotter.PlotterHorizon(prb, solution)
        hplt.plotVariables([elem.getName() for elem in f_list], show_bounds=True, gather=2, legend=False)
        hplt.plotVariables(q.getName(), show_bounds=True, gather=2, legend=True)
        plotsomeVariables(hplt, [31, 46], q.getName(), show_bounds=True, gather=2, legend=True)
        plotsomeVariables(hplt, [0, 3], q.getName(), show_bounds=True, gather=2, legend=True)

        pos_contact_list = list()
        fig = plt.figure()
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)
        i = 0
        for contact in contacts_name:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i])
            i += 1
            FK = cs.Function.deserialize(
            pos = FK(q=solution['q'])['ee_pos']
            for dim in range(n_f):
                ax.plot(np.atleast_2d(cumulative_dt), np.array(pos[dim, :]), marker="x", markersize=3,
                        linestyle='dotted')  # marker="x", markersize=3, linestyle='dotted'

        for contact in contacts_name:
            FK = cs.Function.deserialize(
            pos = FK(q=solution['q'])['ee_pos']

            plt.title(f'feet position - plane_xy')
            plt.scatter(np.array(pos[0, :]), np.array(pos[1, :]), linewidth=0.1)

        for contact in contacts_name:
            FK = cs.Function.deserialize(
            pos = FK(q=solution['q'])['ee_pos']

            plt.title(f'feet position - plane_xz')
            plt.scatter(np.array(pos[0, :]), np.array(pos[2, :]), linewidth=0.1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    spot_actions = ('walk')

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='spot walking: periodic gait performed by the BostonDynamics quadruped robot')
    parser.add_argument('--action', '-a', help='choose which action spot will perform', choices=spot_actions,
    parser.add_argument('--replay', '-r', help='visualize the robot trajectory in rviz', action='store_true',
    parser.add_argument("--codegen", '-c', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False,
                        help="generate c++ code for faster solving")
    parser.add_argument("--warmstart", '-w', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False,
                        help="save solutions to mat file")
    parser.add_argument("--plot", '-p', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help="plot solutions")

    args = parser.parse_args()

The error I get (together with the last solutions) is:

solved in 0.278545618057251 s
force_contact_1 = 361.60599424460173
force_contact_2 = 355.6538731016679
force_contact_3 = 199.9443906833181
force_contact_4 = 200.11000222918685
00 alpha=0.000e+00  reg=1.000e+297  merit=2.563e+08  dm=-1.482e+299  mu_f=1.000e+00  mu_c=1.000e+06  cost=3.232e+04  delta_u=4.994e+05  constr=2.563e+02  gap=1.143e-01 
solved in 0.2998528480529785 s
force_contact_1 = -1.2539362614916172e-07
force_contact_2 = 719.2512077979363
force_contact_3 = 540.8115847685431
force_contact_4 = -148.6872265895106
00 alpha=0.000e+00  reg=1.000e+300  merit=2.618e+08  dm=-1.494e+302  mu_f=1.000e+00  mu_c=1.000e+06  cost=3.235e+04  delta_u=6.718e+05  constr=2.617e+02  gap=1.155e-01 
solved in 0.3878355026245117 s
force_contact_1 = -1.2539362614916172e-07
force_contact_2 = 719.2512077979363
force_contact_3 = 540.8115847685431
force_contact_4 = -148.6872265895106
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 498, in <module>
  File "", line 408, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/casadi_horizon-0.4.0-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/horizon/solvers/", line 126, in solve
    ret = self.ilqr.solve(self.max_iter)
RuntimeError: [backward_pass_iter] Inf value detected in Snext

It is strange that the last two solutions violate the unilateral constraint and give negative force_contact_4.

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