The Lumi Programming Language
A functional programming language based on λ-calculus for scientific research.
We hope this language to become an efficient and friendly tool to light the way for researchers.
- Minimal core with packages and macro supplement
- Global variables or static variables within functions
- Y combinator implementation of recursion
- Type tagging (local variables in functions not required, optional)
- Memory management system or register allocation algorithm
- Eager evaluation, considering providing lazy evaluation type
- Pointer (necessary or not?)
- Call-CC and use of Call-CC for loop control and exception handling (wise or not? better alternative?)
- REPL & unit testing
- Friendly indentation system
Welcome to use Issues as a forum to discuss and request features!
Lumi interpreter, compiler, and REPL (Read–Eval–Print Loop).
lumi <source_file.lumi> [command line arguments]
lumi -c <source_file.lumi> <output_file.lumo>