Application for generating difficult images for cascade classifier.
You need to install cmake and OpenCV:
sudo apt-get install cmake libopencv-dev
Note: if you are using OpenCV v.2, you need to remove opencv_imgcodecs from CMakeLists.txt!
cmake .
Currently you can set some parameters on top of the main.cpp (requires rebuilding):
1)cascadePath - path, which leads to correct cascade classifier (in OpenCV format).
2)minSize, maxSize - boundary sizes for sliding window. Try to set same proportions as proportions in your cascade.
3)imw, imh - generated pictures width and height.
When parameters are set and the CascadeNighmare is launched, genetic algorithm will work for you.
Generations of pictures will be processed with set cascade, and the most fitting pictures and theirs crossovers will go to the next generations.
Fitting function is just number of detections found by cascade.
After each generation CascadeNightmare prints into stdout two numbers: maximum number of detections on single picture and minimum number (on this generation). If picture with new maximum found, CascadeNightmare will save It.