A simple React app for storing recipes and a list of their ingredients.
You can clone this repo to your local machine using the command:
git clone https://github.com/4xDMG/recipe-box.git
You will need to have git and node.js installed locally on your machine.
You can find the instructions to install git for your OS here. Instructions for installing Node.js can be found here.
Once you have git and node installed, navigate to the projects root directory in your terminal and type:
npm install
This will install all dependancies you need to run the project.
Start the dev server by typing the command:
npm start
To deploy, update the package.json with your own hompage information and type:
npm run deploy
- React - The web framework used
- create-react-app - Boiler plate for project
- node-sass - Compiles SCSS files
- Daniel Tait - Initial work - 4xDMG
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- All the Medium bloggers who write excellent how-to's
- freeCodeCamp for their great curriculum