- [] (TenPy) 2 time evolution algorithms: SingleSiteTDVP and TEBD (SVDBasedTEBDEngine + QRBasedTEBDEngine). Test both
- [] (TenPy) WFMC implementation for higher order
- [] (TenPy) Reproduce density plot in Hendrik's paper
- [] (scikit_tt) TEBD, TDVP
- [] (scikit_tt) ALS gave error for eigenspectrum computation for L=15
- [] (QuTip) check what can be computed for dynamical simulation
- [] (theory) Check whether the decay rates are smaller than the minium energy splitting in the system Hamiltonian -> approximations for the validity of Lindblad Master equation
- [] (theory) Check Jen's approach, LDPO?
- [] (*theory) Dynamics of entanglement spectrum
- [] (technicality) Putting code also at group's repo
? (Check wiki) - [] (artist) draw tensor network diagrams hehe
- Finite system: check for ||Ax - λx|| < ε -> smallest required ranks
- OBSERVATION: convergence for E doesn't require large bond dimensions, but for other observables alr!
- Resources report:
- L=10, χ=25, time = 1.36 min (1 excited state search)
- L=10, χ=25, time = 0.59 h (1 excited state search)
- L=25, χ=25, time = 2.73 h (1 excited state search)
- L=25, χ=40, time = 31.9 h (1 excited state search)
- DMRG for dissipative Ising chain: GS is not dark state
- Result from time-propagation is strange
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