Strongly typed file paths in Haskell.
-- System path to "foo" directory, relative to "bar" directory.
dirFooInDirBar :: Path System (Rel BarDir) (Dir FooDir)
dirFooInDirBar = fromPathRelDir [P.reldir|somedir/foo/|]
-- Abs system path to "bar" directory.
dirBar :: Path System Abs (Dir BarDir)
dirBar = fromPathAbsDir [P.absdir|/bar/|]
-- Abs path to "foo" directory.
dirFoo :: Path System Abs (Dir FooDir)
dirFoo = dirBar </> dirFooInDirBar
-- Posix path to "unnamed" file, relative to "foo" directory.
someFile :: Path Posix (Rel FooDir) File ()
someFile = fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|some/file.txt|]
data BarDir -- Represents Bar directory.
data FooDir -- Represents Foo directory.
This library is greatly inspired by path library and is really a layer on top of it, replicating most of its API and using it for implementation details, while also adding to it, with main additions being:
- Differentiation between path standards (system, posix and windows) at type level, they can't be accidentally mixed.
- "Naming" of directories and files at type level.
- Support at type level for describing what are relative paths exactly relative to, so you e.g. can't concatenate wrong paths.
While working with file paths in Haskell (using FilePath
), I had hard time tracking which path is relative, which is absolute, is it a file or a directory, since FilePath
is just type alias for String
I then started using awesome path library, which encodes this information in types: is path absolute or relative, is it file or dir, so we can know at compile time what we are dealing with!
However, while path
was great improvement over FilePath
, there was still a piece of information that I kept being "unsure" about: if path is relative, what is it relative to?
Sometimes this is not important and relative paths are not relative to anything specific, but we were dealing with a lot of relative paths that were relative to very specific directories, and I wanted to be sure when I am concatenating them that I am concatenating the right paths!
Or, I would have functions that expect paths relative to some specific dir and I wanted to be sure correct paths are provided as arguments.
Another problem was the difference between system, windows and posix paths.
While you can't mix windows with posix path in path
library, you can mix system with windows if OS is Windows (same behaviour for posix). This means that your code could be compiling on Windows, but not on Linux, and vice versa.
I found that I prefer being very explicit about the standard that specific path is using and not allowing mixing.
This is where StrongPath
comes in, with additional information being encoded in the type: which dir is the path relative to (if it is relative path), what is the name of the dir/file that the path points to, and what is the path standard (system, windows or posix).
NOTE: Since strong-path
replicates a lot of API from path
, to avoid confusion, assume following imports are present:
import qualified Path as P
import qualified Path.Posix as PP
import qualified Path.Windows as PW
Therefore, we will prefix stuff from path
with either P
, PP
or PW
Main type in strong-path
is abstract type Path
data Path s b t
where s
stands for "standard", b
stands for "base" and t
stands for "type".
For s
("standard"), we have 3 possible types:
data System
data Posix
data Windows
means that path uses standard of the system it was compiled on -> if it is Linux/OSX or other Posix system, it will be Posix
, if it is Windows, it will be Windows
You will normally want to use System
if you are dealing with the paths on the disk of the host OS (where your code is running), for example if user is providing you with the path to the file on the disk that you will be doing something with.
Keep in mind that System
causes the behaviour of the Path
to be (system/platform)-dependant.
) and Windows
) are (system/platform)-independent: they behave the same regardless of the OS they are running on.
You will normally want to use one of them when you are dealing with paths from some external source, or with paths that have excplicitely fixed standard.
For example, if you are parsing logs which were obtained from the Windows server, you will want to use Windows
to work with those paths - it doesn't matter if you are running your code on Linux or Windows, it will always work the same and treat them as Windows
Or, if you are parsing or composing Javascript import statements (import MyComponent from "../components/MyComponent"
), you will want to use Posix
, because paths in Javascript import statements are following Posix
If you are still not sure what to use, go with System
since that is the most common use case, and you will likely recognize the situation where you need platform-independent behaviour (Posix
, Windows
) when it happens.
For b
("base"), we have 2 possible types:
data Abs
data Rel dir
For t
("type"), we have 2 possible types:
data Dir dir
data File file
This bring us to (3x2x2=12) combinations:
Path [System|Posix|Windows] [Abs|(Rel r)] [(Dir d)|(File f)]
When "naming" the files/dirs, you can use any type:
Path System Abs (Dir Int)
Path System (Rel String) (File (Int, Int))
but normally that doesn't make much sense.
Instead, we recommend sticking with empty data types that you defined yourself:
data ProjectRootDir
data ProjectManifestFile
Path System Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir)
Path System (Rel ProjectRootDir) (File ProjectManifestFile)
Sometimes, if you don't want to specify the meaningful name, it might make sense to go with the ()
Path System (Rel ProjectRootDir) (File ())
defines a couple of convinient aliases for you:
type Path' = Path System
type Rel' = Rel ()
type Dir' = Dir ()
type File' = File ()
so instead of writing
Path System (Rel ProjectRootDir) (File ())
you can write
Path' (Rel ProjectRootDir) File'
In strong-path, you will find groups of (usually 12) functions that all do the same thing really but each one of them is specialized for specific type of path.
In such case, we usually name them via following scheme: <function_name_prefix><base><type><standard>
, where
can beRel
can beFile
can beP
(Windows) or nothing (System).
This results in 12 functions, for all 12 combinations of path type.
does something withPath System Abs (File f)
does something withPath Posix (Rel r) (File f)
does something withPath Windows (Rel r) (Dir d)
Path can be constructed from FilePath
parse<base><type><standard> :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (<corresponding_path_type>)
-- Examples (there are 12 functions in total):
parseAbsFile :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path System Abs (File f))
parseRelDirW :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Windows (Rel d1) (Dir d2))
functions don't all accept the same path standard as input, e.g. parseRelDirW
is ok with both Windows and Posix separators in the input (a\b/c
is OK) while parseRelDirP
accepts only Posix separators (a\b
is NOT OK, but a/b
is OK).
Here is exact table of which parse
function takes what input:
-- Parsers From To
-- parseRel[Dir|File] System/Posix System
-- parseRel[Dir|File]W Win/Posix Win
-- parseRel[Dir|File]P Posix Posix
-- parseAbs[Dir|File] System/Posix* System
-- parseAbs[Dir|File]W Win/Posix* Win
-- parseAbs[Dir|File]P Posix Posix
-- NOTE: * in System/Posix* / Win/Posix* means that while separators
-- can be both System and Posix / Win and Posix, root can't be
-- Posix, it has to instead be System / Win.
Basically, all of the parsers accept their "native" standard AND Posix, which enables you to hardcode paths (as Posix) in the code that will compile and work both on Linux and Windows when using System
as a standard. So Posix becames as a kind of "universal" language.
Path can also be constructed from P.Path
from<base><type><standard> :: <corresponding_Path.path_type> -> <corresponding_path_type>
-- Examples: (there are 12 functions in total):
fromPathAbsFile :: P.Path P.Abs P.File -> Path System Abs (File f)
fromPathRelDirW :: PW.Path PW.Rel PW.Dir -> Path Windows (Rel a) (Dir b)
Path can be unpacked into FilePath
via polymorphic function:
toFilePath :: Path s b t -> FilePath
or via any of the 12 functions that accept specific path type:
from<base><type><standard> :: <corresponding_path_type> -> FilePath
-- Examples: (there are 12 functions in total):
fromAbsFile :: Path System Abs (File f) -> FilePath
fromRelDirP :: Path Posix (Rel r) (Dir d) -> FilePath
We recommend using specific functions instead of toFilePath
, because that way you are explicit about which path you expect and if that expectancy is not met, type system will catch it.
Path can also be unpacked into P.Path
toPath<base><type><standard> :: <corresponding_path_type> -> <corresponding_Path.path_type>
-- Examples: (there are 12 functions in total):
toPathAbsDir :: Path System Abs (Dir a) -> P.Path P.Abs P.Dir
toPathRelFileW :: Path Windows (Rel a) (File f) -> PW.Path PW.Rel PW.File
Main operation is concatenation:
(</>) :: Path s b (Dir d) -> Path s (Rel d) t -> Path s b t
and this is where StrongPath's types come into play: you can concatenate paths only if the second path is relative to the directory that first path leads to! Also, you can't mistakenly contatenate two paths that are not of the same standard.
gets parent dir of path:
parent :: Path s b t -> Path s b (Dir d)
enables you to redefine which dir is the path relative to.
castRel :: Path s (Rel d1) a -> Path s (Rel d2) a
enables you to rename the dir.
castDir :: Path s b (Dir d1) -> Path s b (Dir d2)
transforms relative directory into posix, if not already.
relDirToPosix :: MonadThrow m => Path s (Rel r) (Dir d) -> m (Path Posix (Rel r) (Dir d))
transforms relative file into posix, if not already.
relFileToPosix :: MonadThrow m => Path s (Rel r) (File f) -> m (Path Posix (Rel r) (File f))
import StrongPath (Path, Rel, Dir, System, fromPathRelDir, fromPathAbsDir, (</>), castRel)
import qualified Path as P
dirFooInDirBar :: Path System (Rel BarDir) (Dir FooDir)
dirFooInDirBar = fromPathRelDir [P.reldir|somedir/foo/|]
dirBarAbsPath :: Path System Abs (Dir BarDir)
dirBarAbsPath = fromPathAbsDir [P.absdir|/bar/|]
dirFooAbsPath :: Path System Abs (Dir FooDir)
dirFooAbsPath = dirBar </> dirFooInDirBar
dirHome :: Path System Abs (Dir HomeDir)
dirHome :: fromPathAbsDir [P.absdir|/garfield/home/|]
dirFooCopiedToHomeAsInBar :: Path System Abs (Dir FooDir)
dirFooCopiedToHomeAsInBar = dirHome </> castRel dirFooInDirBar
data BarDir
data FooDir
data HomeDir
- Add support for defining paths in template haskell (same as Path has with reldir[|...|] and similar), so that
is not mandatory in order to use StrongPath and becomes only an implementation details.
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