Author: Harrison and Spencer Version: 1.0.0
Server side code that superagent requests APIs to send back data requested from the front end
NPM with nodemon installed
Node packages: Cors, express, superagent, dotenv API keys stored in the .env file
02-20-2019 9:18am - Transferred all files from lab 06 to new repo
02-20-2019 10:04am - Small Tweaks, Code Review, and Refactoring
02-20-2019 11:30am - Applies API functionality and recieves geocode for map and all other features
02-20-2019 12:21am - Applies API functionality for our Weather feature, using geocode
02-20-2019 1:21pm - Creates new Meetup feature, using's API
Estimate: 30min
Start: 9am
Finish: 9:18am
Completed in: 18 mins
Estimate: 30min
Start: 9am
Finish: 9:18am
Completed in: 18 mins
Estimate: 30min
Start: 9:20am
Finish: 10:04am
Completed in: 44 mins
Estimate: 15 mins
Start: 1:35pm
Completed in:
Original basecode created with:
@abferris and @jong9000
Powered by:
Google, DarkSky, and Meetup