What's Changed
- add LICENSE by @averevki in #16
- Change base images to the upstream ones by @averevki in #20
- add redis deployment through kustomization by @averevki in #17
- add mailhog deployment through kustomization by @averevki in #18
- tinyproxy has new upstream by @mganisin in #23
- add prometheus deployment through kustomization by @averevki in #19
- add per-project overlay by @averevki in #21
- add testsuite overlay by @averevki in #22
- Add Kuadrant overlay by @pehala in #24
- New upstream image location for mailhog & go-httpbin by @mganisin in #25
- Remove echo-api from testsuite customization by @mganisin in #26
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1...v2