DB API 2.0 works. ORMs are convenient but sometimes overkill. sql
is a
lightweight wrapper sitting on top of any DB API 2.0 connection offering a
postgres like interface which makes working with SQL results bliss.
>>> import sqlite3
>>> connection = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
>>> import sql
>>> bliss = sql.SQL(connection)
run is the method to use when you want to run a query but do not care about the result e.g. to create a table:
>>> bliss.run("CREATE TABLE contributors (firstname VARCHAR, lastname VARCHAR)") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<sql.SQL object ...>
>>> bliss.run("INSERT INTO contributors VALUES (?, ?)", [('Andrew', 'Kuchling'),
... ('James', 'Henstridge'),
... ('Daniele', 'Varrazzo'),
... ('Marc-Andre', 'Lemburg')]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<sql.SQL object ...>
Nothing impressive so far, creating a cursor and calling executemany would achieve the same result.
Added in version 2022.4.0
>>> bliss.run("INSERT INTO contributors VALUES (?, ?)", ("Chad", "Whitacre")) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<sql.SQL object ...>
>>> bliss.commit()
Just because it is shorter than bliss.connection.commit()
run returns self so commit can be chained
>>> bliss.run("INSERT INTO contributors VALUES (?, ?)", ("Guido", "van Rossum")).commit()
one is the method to use when you know the result is a single row or only care about one.
>>> bliss.one("SELECT firstname FROM contributors WHERE lastname='Lemburg'")
The string, nothing but the string, which in my book beats:
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT firstname FROM contributors WHERE lastname='Lemburg'") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<sqlite3.Cursor object at ...>
>>> cursor.fetchone()
Even better, if the result contains several column, one returns a namedtuple:
>>> bliss.one("SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE firstname='James'")
Record(firstname='James', lastname='Henstridge')
all is the method to use to retrieve all rows from a query.
>>> bliss.all("SELECT firstname FROM contributors")
['Andrew', 'James', 'Daniele', 'Marc-Andre', 'Chad', 'Guido']
It returns a list of namedtuples when appropriate:
>>> bliss.all("SELECT firstname, LENGTH(lastname) AS length FROM contributors")
[Record(firstname='Andrew', length=8), Record(firstname='James', length=10), Record(firstname='Daniele', length=8), Record(firstname='Marc-Andre', length=7), Record(firstname='Chad', length=8), Record(firstname='Guido', length=10)]