A simple application to map and fill PDF Forms in bulk.
make build
make image
take a look at the Makefile for more details...
docker-compose up -d
docker run -d --name fillpdf-db 3cola/mongo
docker run -d --name fillpdf-app --link=fillpdf-db:db -e MONGO_URL=mongodb://db -e ROOT_URL=http://localhost -p 80:8080 3cola/fillpdf
create the db container with authentication on
docker run -d --name fillpdf-db 3cola/mongo --auth --storageEngine wiredTiger
add the initial admin user
docker exec -it fillpdf-db mongo admin
db.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "myPassw0rd", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] })
docker restart fillpdf-db
add a dbuser for the app with a its own db
docker exec -it fillpdf-db bash
mongo -u "admin" -p "myPassw0rd" --authenticationDatabase "admin" fillpdf
db.createUser({ user: "fillpdf", pwd: "123Soleil", roles: [ { role: "dbOwner", db: "fillpdf" } ] })
and run the app container
docker run -d --link "fillpdf-db:db" -e "MONGO_URL=mongodb://fillpdf:123Soleil@db/fillpdf" -e "ROOT_URL=http://example.com" -e "MAIL_URL=smtp://user:password@smtpsrv:port" -p 80:8080 --name fillpdf 3cola/fillpdf
The first user created by default is
with a default password
atob fdf
coffeescript less accounts-base accounts-password aldeed:[email protected] aldeed:collection2 dburles:collection-helpers matb33:collection-hooks alanning:roles aldeed:simple-schema fortawesome:fontawesome raix:handlebar-helpers cfs:standard-packages cfs:gridfs aldeed:template-extension yogiben:helpers iron:router yogiben:autoform-modals yogiben:pretty-email yogiben:autoform-file multiply:iron-router-progress manuelschoebel:ms-seo spiderable accounts-ui jparker:gravatar tap:i18n useraccounts:bootstrap juliancwirko:s-alert juliancwirko:s-alert-stackslide momentjs:moment zimme:active-route twbs:bootstrap useraccounts:iron-routing reywood:publish-composite percolate:momentum-iron-router percolate:momentum natestrauser:animate-css meteorhacks:subs-manager fastclick yogiben:admin timmyg:wow tsega:skrollr meteor-base mobile-experience mongo blaze-html-templates session jquery tracker logging reload random ejson spacebars check standard-minifier-css standard-minifier-js ramda:ramda pdftk:pdftk cfs:filesystem udondan:jszip