Welcome to the repository for COL 202 course resources used during the first semester of the academic year 2023-24. This repository is designed to centralize all the necessary materials, code samples, and documentation used during COL 202 course.
- Guidelines for writing a mathematical proof
- Tutorials
- Tutorial Solutions
- Previous Year Question Papers
- Major
- Minor
- Quiz 1
- Quiz 2
Proffesors and TA's generally keep in mind the points mentioned in this during grading the paper. MUST READ.
Contains all the tutorials here in Tutorials directory.
Contains most of the tutorial solutions sorted groupwise.
Few previous year papers in the same course.
Major Exam Graded Answer Sheet
Minor Exam Graded Answer Sheet
Quiz-1 Graded Answer Sheet
Quiz-2 Graded Answer Sheet
Special thanks to github.com/koderAP,github.com/Jimmy4511,github.com/its-me-adi003 and github.com/jahnabiroy for their contributions to this project.
Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have additional resources, lecture notes, or any other materials that could benefit fellow students, feel free to submit a pull request.