released this
25 Feb 08:57
Traffic layer tiles and data not updates #181 (ilfa )
Spawning events on marker with label #178 (Trufi )
Ошибочка вышла в IE8 #176 (Trufi )
Pull request 141 break controls in IE8 #163 (Riim )
mouse cursor and poi tooltip in location circle #173 (ilfa )
Update dependencies #171 (Trufi )
Don't work closePopupOnClick false map option #168 (Trufi )
Eliminate mouse events dead zone under callouts #166 (RLRR )
Closing popups by tap on the map #165 (Trufi )
Error after click on poi #164 (RLRR )
Show geoclicker webapi error message #23 (Trufi )
Support for new WebAPI contacts format #162 (RLRR )
Can't delete ruler points on touch devices #142 (RLRR )
Map can be dragged through popup close button #153 (RLRR )
POI click error message in console #160 (RLRR )
Missing schedule icon #161 (Riim )
Кнопка закрытия балуна заезжает на контент #151 (Trufi )
All popups have 0.9 opacity #152 (RLRR )
Incorrect schedule icons in IE8 #137 (RLRR )
Ruler points can't be placed on POIs #144 (RLRR )
gulp-jshint crash build #156 (Trufi )
svg2png to rsvg #159 (Riim )
Remove lint task from build dependencies #157 (Trufi )
Не влезают балуны в экраны мобилок #109 (Riim )
Описание телефона #127 (Riim )
Валидация стилей #98 (Riim )
Add source maps to javascript #155 (Trufi )
Вытаскивать балуны из-под контролов #97 (Riim )
Разделил gulpfile на задачи #146 (Trufi )
fix controls in light skin #141 (Riim )
Add code coverage to project #58 (Trufi )
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