See How Sossity Works for an overview.
You should almost never need to build Sossity for testing or simulation. Instead, download the artifact from:
- Install Oracle JDK9
- Install leiningen, be sure to set it to the appropriate environment variable
lein uberjar
- Use the
java -jar sossity{ver}-standalone.jar -c <config1.clj>,<config2.clj>,<config3.clj> -o <>
java -jar sossity{ver}-standalone.jar -c <config1.clj>,<config2.clj>,<config3.clj> -o <>
java -jar sossity{ver}-standalone.jar -s -c <config1.clj>,<config2.clj>,<config3.clj> --testfile <test_config.clj>
Per-sink test output files are created in :config {:test-output ""}
in test_config.clj