Taste Of Project Matrix
Added many useful, cool, or random features to the OS. It's a great showcase of what Matrix OS & Mystrix is capable of.
New: System Global Animation (Toggleable)
New: Companion App - BitFocus Companion) Integration
New: Game Pad APP (As a demo to customizable keymap)
New: Dice APP
New: Reversi Game APP
New: Performance App Touch Combo Key
New: Better LED Subsystem for Mystrix with dithering support
New: LED Partition - Supports adjusting brightness multiplier for Mystrix Pro Underglow
New: Dual MIDI port - Allows Apollo Studio to connect with Mystrix without special driver support
New: Underglow for Mystrix boot animation
New: Underglow in Note APP note view.
New: Toggle Button now shows On or Off in their text scroll
New: Mystrix Pro Keypad User Calibration
New: Note APP now can spilt pad vertically
New: Performance APP now supports 4 customizable palettes.
Updated: Lighting App V2
Improved: Color Picker UI
Improved: Better Keypad driver for Mystrix Standard & Mystrix Pro.
Improved: Better LED brightness steps.
Improved: Bluetooth Secure Connection - Enables Windows and Android Support. (via @M4kI9H7)
Fixed: APPs out of order in App Launcher
Fixed: Fixed some memory leaks
Fixed: Performance App Flicker Reduction Toggle
Fixed: Note App overlap default value not showing correctly
Fixed: Issue sending some special midi packet (#28)
Changed: Mystrix now shows Mystrix / Mystrix Pro in device name
Changed: There's now a Device Setting page in the system setting for device-specific settings.
Removed: Performance App Compatibility Mode - Unipad supports Mystrix now, no need to keep it around.
添加了许多有用、炫酷或乱七八糟的功能到操作系统中。主要是展示 Matrix OS 和 魔矩的各种可能性。
新增:Companion APP - 配合 BitFocus Companion 和实现超强电脑端控制功能
新增:表演APP 触控组合键
新增:魔矩全新 LED 子系统,支持色彩抖动
新增:LED 分区 - 支持调整 魔矩Pro 底灯的亮度倍数
新增:双 MIDI 接口 - Apollo Studio 可以在不需要特殊驱动的情况下连接魔矩
新增:魔矩Pro 压力感应用户自校准
新增:性能应用现在支持 4 种可自定义的调色板
更改:照明APP V2
更改:更好的 魔矩和 魔矩Pro 键盘驱动
更改:改进的 LED 亮度等级
更改:蓝牙安全连接 - 支持 Windows 和 Android链接(感谢 @M4kI9H7)
更改:发送某些特殊 MIDI 数据包的问题(#28)
更改:魔矩现在在设备名称中显示为 Mystrix / Mystrix Pro
去除:性能应用兼容模式 - Unipad 现已支持魔矩,不再需要此功能
Supported Devices/支持设备
- MatrixOS-V2.5.0-Mystrix.uf2:
- 203 Systems - Mystrix & Mystrix Pro