Learning Log is a project based on the code written for Python Crash Course 3rd Ed. by Eric Matthes.
It includes an additional statistics module, a way to track hours spent with learning topics, more CRUD features, and various UI changes.
View a list of upcoming features here
python -m venv <venv_name>
Note: to de-activate, type deactivate
source <venv_name>/bin/activate
Note: your current directory must be the root directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
See OS specific installation processes here: https://docs.platform.sh/administration/cli.html
platform login
platform create
platform push [--target TARGET] [-u|--set-upstream] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]
platform url [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]
platform environment:pause [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]
platform environment:resume [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]
platform environment:ssh [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]
- ssh into machine
- run
python manage.py check --deploy
- add recommended settings to your settings file
Note: From this ssh connection, you can also create a superuser for the admin site if you have enabled the ENABLE_ADMIN_SITE_IN_PROD
platform project:delete [-p|--project PROJECT]
CLI reference: https://docs.platform.sh/administration/cli/reference.html
Django deployment tutorial: https://docs.platform.sh/guides/django.html
The Platform.sh CLI uses curl. If you use a VPN, curl will timeout unless you fiddle with http_proxy.
If you choose to just disable your VPN, it may take some time for the command to work again.
Info on http_proxy:
Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
Install the Github CLI for an easy and secure way to access Github: https://docs.github.com/en/github-cli/github-cli/about-github-cli
Once installed, run the following:
gh auth login
gh auth setup-git
Now you can push to a new repo, or push to a forked repo.
This project makes use of Plotly https://plotly.com/python/
It also includes a logo that utilizes the Oxygen Mono font, which is licensed under the Open Font License.
The requirements.txt file contains a list of all third-party libraries used.