This project aims to provide a good suport for Perl Compatible Regex just like other famous existing languages: Python, C, C++...
program simple_example
use fregex
implicit none
type(regex_t) :: re
type(match_t) :: match
character(:), allocatable :: string
character(:), allocatable :: pattern
! Operations
pattern = "(.+)([\+\-\*\/]{1})(.+)"
string = "1/sin(x)"
call re % compile(pattern)
call re % match(string)
if (size(re % matches) > 0) then
match = re % matches(1) ! Gets the first match
print*, "string: ", string
print*, "pattern: ", pattern
print*, "First Group: ", match % groups(1) % content ! 1
print*, "Second Group: ", match % groups(2) % content ! /
print*, "Third Group: ", match % groups(3) % content ! sin(x)
end if
end program
- libpcre
This project supports the Fortran Package Manager. Follow the directions on that page to install FPM if you haven't already.
First get the code, by cloning the repo:
git clone
cd fregex/
fpm run simple_example
This will build the program and execute the simple_example.f90
at the app/
Add a entry in the "dependencies" section of your project's fpm.toml
# fpm.toml
[ dependencies ]
fregex = { git = "" }