Hardhat plugin for solidity contract verification on Blockscout block explorer
This plugin will help you to verify your solidity contract on Blockscout block explorer. Blockscout block explorer is a block explorer implmented for EVM-supported blockchain. Unlike Ethscan, Blockscout is an open-sourced project. There are many EVM-supported blockchain and sidechains has adopted Blockscout as their block explorer, including Moonriver (Moonbeam on Kusama), POA Network, xDai Chain, Ethereum Classic. Blockscout block explorer offers an API where you can verify your solidity contracts, but you will have to flatten the contract beforehand. This plugin helps you to do it in one shot.
npm install @ericxstone/hardhat-blockscout-verify
Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js
Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts
import "@ericxstone/hardhat-blockscout-verify";
import {SOLIDITY_VERSION, EVM_VERSION} from "@ericxstone/hardhat-blockscout-verify";
This plugin adds the blockscout-verify
task to Hardhat:
npx hardhat blockscout-verify <contract file path> <contract address>
This plugin extends the HardhatUserConfig
object with an optional blockscoutVerify
This is an example of how to set it:
module.exports = {
blockscoutVerify: {
contracts: {
optimization: true,
evmVersion: EVM_VERSION.<EVM_VERSION>, // checkout enum SOLIDITY_VERSION
optimizationRuns: 999999,
There are no additional steps you need to take for this plugin to work.
Install it and access ethers through the Hardhat Runtime Environment anywhere you need it (tasks, scripts, tests, etc).
You can use the plugin as CLI
npx hardhat blockscout-verify <contract file path> <contract address>
If you use it in a script, the task parameters are filePath
and address
await hre.run("blockscout-verify", {
filePath: "<contract file path>",
address: "<contract address>"
- Upgradeable contracts is current not supported.