Module path: script.
Description: Setup experiment environment, install Storm, Flink, Spark, Kafka, HDFS and Zookeeper.
1. Set ssh passwordless login experiment cluster;
2. Update configureation file cluster-config.json
to the role of each node in the cluster;
3. Clone this repository to home directory of master node;
4. Run python scripts\
to clone this repository to each node in the cluster;
4. Run python scripts\
with different parameter to install softwares
Module path: StreamBench/generator.
Description: This module defineds data generators for workloads. Parameters could be configured in configure files under resources folder.
1. go to module foler;
2. execute command mvn clean package
3. get packaged jar file with dependencies -- generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;
4. start generator: java -cp generator*.jar fi.aalto.dmg.generator.GeneratorClass (interval)
, interval is a parameter to control speed of generation;
Special case: For workload KMeans, we should generate real centoirds in generator class fi.aalto.dmg.generator.KMeansPoints
, then generate test data. Detail information is in the source of this class.
Module path: StreamBench/flink.
Description: This module implements APIs of core module with Flink's built-in APIs. Parameters could be configured in file
1. go to module foler;
2. modify tage program-class
in file pom.xml
to specify the benchmark workload;
3. execute command mvn clean package
3. get packaged jar file with dependencies -- flink-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;
4. start flink cluster and submit workload job: /usr/local/flink/bin/flink run flink-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The output of benchmark job is log files. As the job runs in a distributed system, we use help script to collect log files.
python StreamBench/script/ flink flink.tar
There are two script under statistic_script
folder, and
# extract latency log from original log
python extract origin.log latency.log
# combine several log files into one file
python combine output.log file1.log file2.log ...
# analysis latency log
python latency.log analysis latency.log
# All in one process command, you could put original logs under one folder and run this command to ayalysis
python process original-log-folder
For other platform, the usage are similar to Flink.