scripts related to POC:
These scripts can help you to configure Check Point R80.10 all in one POC server (FW+MGMT on single machine - Standalone)
It has been tested on Gaia OS only and script supposes you have machine (VM or Appliance) with at least two interfaces - eth0 for mgmt and eth1 for SPAN port
If you want to have more interfaces, finish scripts and add aditional interfaces in common way via CLI/Gui
Copy both scripts to gateway and chmod +x on them
Script is help script to reboot server when first time wizard finish (config_system disconnect session even it shoud be fixed in sk118715 and I dont wont to run it in nohup). Run it in sepparate ssh session in backgroud first --> ./ &
in second ssh session run ./ and follw instruction
script will finish first time wizard and set settings - blade activation (FW/AV/ABOT/APP/TE/IPS) + Smart Event and Correlation Unit + IPS update + new POC TP profile with settings according to POC guide
- default GUI credential after first time wizard is username:admin passowrd:checkpoint123
scripts will generate following log and lock files:
first_timelog.log - MAIN LOG FILE!
cmd.txt - tenplate for OS config
done_lock.lock - done lock notifying that first time and settings were finished successfully
first_timelog_huge.log -- detailed log for tshoot
id.txt - session id for API
mgmt.txt - name of mgmt interface
mgmtip.txt - ip of mgmt interface
mgmtmask.txt - mask of mgmt interface
monitor.txt - name of monitor interface
os.log - OS log