AdriaClim Project: Climate change information, monitoring, and management tools for adaptation strategies in Adriatic coastal areas.
You can download an Ocean Product from CMEMS: Then you can use the following Jupyter notebooks to manipulate the files (or download the
. Temperature_time_series.ipynb shows an CMEMS Ocean file in time series in a fix point.
. "interpolation.ipynb" explaines how to do a Vertical profile interpolation for selected levels with using numpy.interp function.
. "temperature_by_depth.ipynb" shows a graph to see the Vertical Profondity in the file through xarray function.
. "read_file_temperature.ipynb" describes the statistics of the file.
In the following scripts there are examples of ocean data visualization by using GeoCAT module and Cartography library.
Reading file is : post-processed CMEMS Ocean file.
. "Mediterranean_Sea_Physics_Analysis_and_Forecast_Ocean_Product_Temperature_at5m.png" is the result of the GeoCAT visualization example through ""
. The visualization by using Cartography library has been shown through "cmems_cartography_visualization_temperature.ipynb"
. S3 Data can be downloaded from ESA SciHUB then, need to select the area of interest and time covarage. In this case the product name is S3A_OL_2_WFR on 2020-06-28. Once finish the download, select variable CHL with NN (Neural Networks). The "geo_coordinates" cointains DEM corrected latitude information for the CHL_NN. S3 can be processed in the same way through SNAP.