A streamlit custom component for easy image cropping
pip install streamlit-cropper
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_cropper import st_cropper
from PIL import Image
st.set_option('deprecation.showfileUploaderEncoding', False)
# Upload an image and set some options for demo purposes
st.header("Cropper Demo")
img_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader(label='Upload a file', type=['png', 'jpg'])
realtime_update = st.sidebar.checkbox(label="Update in Real Time", value=True)
box_color = st.sidebar.beta_color_picker(label="Box Color", value='#0000FF')
aspect_choice = st.sidebar.radio(label="Aspect Ratio", options=["1:1", "16:9", "4:3", "2:3", "Free"])
aspect_dict = {"1:1": (1,1),
"16:9": (16,9),
"4:3": (4,3),
"2:3": (2,3),
"Free": None}
aspect_ratio = aspect_dict[aspect_choice]
if img_file:
img = Image.open(img_file)
if not realtime_update:
st.write("Double click to save crop")
# Get a cropped image from the frontend
cropped_img = st_cropper(img, realtime_update=realtime_update, box_color=box_color,
# Manipulate cropped image at will
_ = cropped_img.thumbnail((150,150))