- zkspringboot-minimal-jar - A Minimal jar example
- zkspringboot-minimal-war - A Minimal war example (incl. ZATS test example)
- zkspringboot-demo-jar - An example jar showing multiple features
- zkspringboot-demo-jar-zats - ZATS test project for zkspringboot-demo-jar
- zkspringboot-security-demo - Basic ZK + Spring Security integration (learn and understand Spring Security first !!)
- zkspringboot-security-demo-zats - ZATS test project for zkspringboot-security-demo
build all demos
./mvnw clean test
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
run individual demo
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl zkspringboot-minimal-jar
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl zkspringboot-minimal-war
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl zkspringboot-demo-jar
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl zkspringboot-security-demo
run each demo from its individual folder
cd zkspringboot-demo-jar
../mvnw spring-boot:run
build all demos
./gradlew clean build
run individual demo
./gradlew zkspringboot-minimal-jar:bootRun
./gradlew zkspringboot-minimal-war:bootRun
./gradlew zkspringboot-demo-jar:bootRun
./gradlew zkspringboot-security-demo:bootRun
run each demo from its individual folder
cd zkspringboot-demo-jar
../gradlew bootRun
After successful startup the applications can be accessed under the following urls
(for all demos)
http://localhost:8080 - a simple hello page
(for zkspringboot-demo-jar)
http://localhost:8080/mvvm - featuring basic mvvm based navigation
http://localhost:8080/resources - demonstrating how to access resources
http://localhost:8080/richlet/example - basic example richlet
run with maven goal doesn't stop in a breakpoints. You need to run the main method in the class with @SpringBootApplication
in Debug mode.