This software contains end-to-end tests which can run in an automated manner. These tests try and cover as much of the expected use cases as possible.
Prerequisites: You need docker installed & kind installed
This runs a Kubernetes cluster using KIND, which allows it to run entirely within Docker
cd _run/kube
make kind-cluster-create
cd ../..
make test-e2e-integration
cd _run/kube
make kind-cluster-delete
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
- The ovrclk/kubespray project checked out at the same level as this project
This starts a complete K8S cluster that is provisioned by kubespray. This uses at least 6 gigabytes of system memory when ran.
Note this process can take a very long time (15 minutes+) even under ideal circumstances. There are multiple points where Vagrant waits for a VM to be boot or to respond to SSH. If this fails, you can always run the stop script then start over.
pushd ../kubespray && ./ && popd
The result of this is multiple VMs running under Virtualbox that form a complete kubernetes cluster. Your
kube config is automatically updated (the old file is backed up under ~/.kube) so you can do kubectl get nodes
to see the status of the nodes. Additionally, port 10080 on the host machine is forwarded to port 80 on the
master node, so the Kubernetes ingress controller is reachable at localhost:10080
make test-e2e-integration-k8s
This just destroys the VMs, so this should only take a few seconds
pushd ../kubespray && ./ && popd