This is a demo that shows an event-driven processing pattern using open source projects. The high level architecture is shown as follows.
Start mosquitto server from local host (brew start mosquitto on MacOS):
brew start mosquitto
Start services including flink job manager, flink taskmanager, kafka, zookeeper and kafka:
cd flink-playgrounds docker-compose up
Start two terminal console, run a nc session from each of them with different ports:
nc -lk 12345 nc -lk 12346
Setup Pi and the AM2302 sensor, see the connection diagram in the humidity-collection-on-pi/setup.png
cd humidity-collection-on-pi connect the sensor and the PI pins
Start mqtt client on raspberry to collect humidity readings from the sensor:
scp root@[raspberry pi ip address]:~/ ssh root@[raspberry pi ip address] python -h [ip address of your laptop] -p 1883
Start mqtt bridge to pass the readings to kafka:
python -h localhost -p 1883
Build the flink applications;
cd humidity-monitoring-flink-app mvn clean package
Submit apps from flink dashboard(localhost:8081);
Start a browser and open localhost:8081; Submit New Job -> Add New -> Select HumidityMonitoringApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar; Click the HumidityMonitoringApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar under the Name column; Input isg.HumidityMonitoring in the Entry Class input box;
Repeat the steps above to submit the isg.AvgHumidityMonitoring app;
Check warnings from the nc consoles;
Update the threshold from a new terminal console:
kafkacat -b -t humidity -P {"type":"metadata", "humidityThreshold":70}}
flink-playgrounds - A clone from with minor modification. It's to startup flink local services including jobmanager and taskmanager. It also start up a kafka and a zookeeper services;
humidity-monitoring-flink-app - A very simple java project which contains two applications; One is the monitoring each of the humidity sensor readings and generate alerts to socket port 12345 when it's higher than a threshold; The other monitoring the average of humidity sensor readings in 30 seconds, when the average of the readings exceeds the threshold, then generate an alerts to socket port 12346;
humidity-collection-on-pi - There is a real sensor used in this demo. This folder contains a script to collect humidity readings from the sensor. The sensor readings are sent to a mosquitto server hosted on localhost, the topic is humidity;
humidity-from-mqtt-to-kafka - It contains a script to pass the humidity sensor readings from mqtt broker to local hosted kafka container; The kafka topic is also humidity;
- Raspberry Pi
- DHT22 Humidity&Temperature Sensor
- Laptop or Desktop with Docker installed;
- Mosquitto - An open source mqtt broker;
- Kafka - An open source message broker;
- Flink - An open source stream processing engine;
- netcat
- pip
- Docker
- kafkacat (optional)
- Kafka Tool (optional)
- MQTT fx (optional)
- Java
- Python