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Deploy SOLO to onnx and tensorRT


  • pytorch == 1.4.0
  • onnx == 1.6.0
  • onnxruntime == 1.6.0
  • tensorRT ==
  • onnx-tensorrt == 6.0
  • cuda == 10.1
  • protobuf == 3.13.0
  • pycuda == 2019.1.2

Requirements 2021

  • pytorch == 1.4.0
  • onnx == 1.8.0
  • onnxruntime == 1.6.0
  • tensorRT ==
  • onnx-tensorrt == 7.2.1
  • cuda == 11.1
  • protobuf == 3.13.0
  • pycuda == 2019.1.2


  1. 增加ONNX_EXPORT和ONNX_BATCH_SIZE 参数控制导出,需要导出onnx时设置ONNX_EXPORT=True

  2. 当前版本的 onnx 支持 F.interpolate()函数,但是tensorRT 6.0 不支持 bilinear 模式(TensorRT 7.2.1支持),

  3. 当前版本pytorch 1.4 不支持onnx导出 torch.linspace(), 后面的版本应该修复了 see: 修改:

    • 参考上面的pull, 修改 torch/onnx/, 增加如下代码段:
    def linspace(g, start, end, steps, dtype, *options):
        parsed_dtype = sym_help._get_const(dtype, 'i', 'dtype')
        steps_ = sym_help._get_const(steps, 'i', 'steps')
        if steps_ == 1:
            return g.op("Cast", start, to_i=sym_help.scalar_type_to_onnx[parsed_dtype])
        diff = g.op("Cast", g.op("Sub", end, start), to_i=sym_help.cast_pytorch_to_onnx['Double'])
        delta = g.op("Div", diff, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(steps_ - 1, dtype=torch.double)))
        end = g.op("Add", g.op("Cast", end, to_i=sym_help.cast_pytorch_to_onnx['Double']), delta)
        start = g.op("Cast", start, to_i=sym_help.cast_pytorch_to_onnx['Double'])
        return g.op("Cast", g.op("Range", start, end, delta), to_i=sym_help.scalar_type_to_onnx[parsed_dtype])
  4. head 中将size() cast到 int,修改如下:

       # Modify for onnx export, frozen the input size = 800x800, batch size = 1
        size = {0: 100, 1: 100, 2: 50, 3: 25, 4: 25}
        feat_h, feat_w = ins_feat.shape[-2], ins_feat.shape[-1]
        feat_h, feat_w = int(feat_h.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(feat_h, torch.Tensor) else feat_h),\
                         int(feat_w.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(feat_w, torch.Tensor) else feat_w)
        x_range = torch.linspace(-1, 1, feat_w, device=ins_feat.device)
        y_range = torch.linspace(-1, 1, feat_h, device=ins_feat.device)
        y, x = torch.meshgrid(y_range, x_range)
        y = y.expand([1, 1, -1, -1])
        x = x.expand([1, 1, -1, -1])
        # Origin from SOLO
        # x_range = torch.linspace(-1, 1, ins_feat.shape[-1], device=ins_feat.device)
        # y_range = torch.linspace(-1, 1, ins_feat.shape[-2], device=ins_feat.device)
        # y, x = torch.meshgrid(y_range, x_range)
        # y = y.expand([ins_feat.shape[0], 1, -1, -1])
        # x = x.expand([ins_feat.shape[0], 1, -1, -1])

    PS: 至此,应该可以成功导出onnx模型,并在onnxruntime上运行,得到一致的结果, 但是由于目前版本的onnx不支持动态尺寸,onnx输入为固定尺寸;由于修改点3,输入batchsize也是固定的. 按照修改点1修改之后,应该也能在tensorRT上运行(还未尝试).

  5. 在 导出ONNX 时,将solov_head.py中get_seg() 如下操作放入onnx model中,减少自写后处理的工作量

        cate_pred_list = [
            cate_preds[i][img_id].view(-1, self.cate_out_channels).detach() for i in range(num_levels)
        seg_pred_list = seg_pred[img_id, ...].unsqueeze(0)
        kernel_pred_list = [
            kernel_preds[i][img_id].permute(1, 2, 0).view(-1, self.kernel_out_channels).detach()
                            for i in range(num_levels)
        cate_pred_list =, dim=0)
        kernel_pred_list =, dim=0)
  6. 动态卷积的支持: 使用动态卷积可以在allocate_buffers时分配最大的size对应的显存计算.

    @TODO: 支持动态输入, backbone+neck 动态输入ok, head出现以下error(应该是forward_single中的某个操作导致,怀疑是linspace)
    [TensorRT] INTERNAL ERROR: Assertion failed: validateInputsCutensor(src, dst)
    [TensorRT] VERBOSE: Builder timing cache: created 115 entries, 415 hit(s)
    [TensorRT] ERROR: ../rtSafe/cuda/cutensorReformat.cpp (227) - Assertion Error in executeCutensor: 0 (validateInputsCutensor(src, dst))
  7. pytorch 输出顺序与 onnx的一致,但是tensorRT的输出顺序不一致,尚未找到问题所在(但是tensorRT输出顺序是稳定的)


使用模型 weights/SOLOv2_LIGHT_448_R34_3x.pth 推理 demo.jpg,速度对比如下

模型 推理框架 size time gpu memory
SOLOv2 LIGHT R34 pytorch(FPN FP16) 448x672 18ms 1107M
SOLOv2 LIGHT R34 onnxruntime(cpu) 448x672 220ms 320M
SOLOv2 LIGHT R34 tensorRT(FP32) 448x672 18ms 1031M
 ``` tensorRT
-----> tensorRT inference time: 25.519246ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 18.540499ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 17.316972ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 17.140708ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 17.055805ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 16.243325ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 16.143518ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 16.121296ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 16.093398ms
-----> tensorRT inference time: 16.300199ms


``` pytorch
-----> pytorch inference time: 107.31163ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 18.357391ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 18.342804ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 18.3574ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 18.330068ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 17.675493ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 17.446083ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 17.452661ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 17.522118ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 17.361028ms
-----> pytorch inference time: 17.374755ms
