March telegram contest 2019. Chart library based on canvas 2D.
npm install
npm run test && npm run coverage
npm run start
npm run dev
npm run prod
Let's get started using TChart.js. First, we need to have a div in our page.
<div id="myChart"></div>
Now that we have a div we can use, we need to include TChart.js in our page.
<script src="src/tchart.js"></script>
Now, we can create a chart. We add a script to our page:
var data = {
"columns": [
["x", 1542412800000, 1542499200000, 1542585600000, 1542672000000, 1542758400000],
["y0", 37, 20, 32, 39, 32],
["y1", 22, 12, 30, 40, 33]
"types": {
"y0": "line",
"y1": "line",
"x": "x"
"names": {
"y0": "One",
"y1": "Two"
"colors": {
"y0": "#3DC23F",
"y1": "#F34C44"
var options = {
cssPath: "../src/css/style.css",
canvasWidth: 400,
canvasHeight: 400,
sliderWidth: 400,
sliderHeight: 50,
new TChart("myChart", data, options);