The IP addresses of the HPCs are:
HPC | IP address/Host name |
DGX | |
DLS | |
Dragon | |
All of the machines are inside the network of Hunter College (Hunter network).
You can use ssh
via a computer inside the Hunter network to access it:
ssh yourname@IPaddress
If you want to access the HPCs outside the Hunter network, you can use the following two ways:
to connect to eniac from anywhere using your eniac account:(Note: To apply for a new eniac account or reset your password, just send an email to [email protected] with your Hunter email address)
After connecting to eniac, use
to connect to the HPCs:ssh username@IPaddress
This way is more secure than the first one and you don't need to type your password every time. You will still need an eniac account.
Create your own SSH keys
Hit enter to keep the default settings all the way until the key pair is successfully created.
Windows now supports OpenSSH. Ifssh
command does not work, you should be able to install it following the instructions here: OpenSSH in Windows. The following protocols are based on OpenSSH. You should also be able to do it with PuTTY, but it is not recommended. -
Copy your public key to eniac and HPCs
After generating the SSH key pair, you should get two files in your local
is your private key, you should keep it only to yourself.
file is the public key file. We need to copy it to eniac and HPCs so we do not need to type password every time. The command to copy
to another computer is:ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ (path to your local user@host
The copying will ask for your password. You need to copy your public key to eniac first and connect to eniac with
, copy the same key to HPCs again. Now you should be able to connect to eniac withwithout being asked for passwords.
Set up the SSH config file
Setting up an SSH config file will let you connect to HPCs from your local machine with only one line of command without complex URLs or IP addresses. First, you need to create a file named
in your local.ssh
folder. In the file, put the following example contents:Host jump-box HostName User eniac_username IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa (path to your local id_rsa) ServerAliveInterval 240 Host dgx HostName User dgx_username IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa (path to your local id_rsa) ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p jump-box ServerAliveInterval 240 Host dls HostName User dls_username IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa (path to your local id_rsa) ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p jump-box ServerAliveInterval 240
The first code block defines a proxy host. In our case, it is the eniac server. The second and third code blocks are for DGX and DLS, respectively. In the case of Windows, if the ProxyCommand causes errors, you can try to replace the
with the full path tossh.exe
file. For example, in my case, the ProxyCommand is:ProxyCommand C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\ssh.exe -q -W %h:%p jump-box
ServerAliveInterval variable lets your terminal send an empty package to the server every x seconds to keep your connection alive. With the config file, you should be able to connect to HPCs simply with:
ssh dgx
ssh dls
You should also be able to use
command below:scp local/file.txt dgx:/raid/home/username/...