Quick-start boilerplate for coding React applications on top of ES6, Webpack, Material UI, Redux and React Router.
To start hacking into this app, first run npm install
to grab all the dependencies. Then start the dev server with npm run dev
You can test the app by running npm test
- that will lint your (css|scss)
and js
files and then run the tests. If you want to run your tests continuosly, then run npm run ci
To create a distribution build of the application, run npm run build
to package all the output to the build
folder. If you want to preview your build you can run npm run prod
and it will start a http-server on the build
app/ ------------------------------------ application code.
-- components/ -------------------------- dumb components.
-- -- MyComponent/ ---------------------- component.
-- -- -- index.js ----------------------- exports the component.
-- -- -- style.css ---------------------- component style (if needed).
-- -- -- test.js ------------------------ component specs.
-- containers/ -------------------------- smart components.
-- -- App ------------------------------- a smart component (bound to react-redux connect())
-- -- -- index.js ----------------------- exports the connected component.
-- -- -- style.css ---------------------- component style (if needed).
-- -- -- test.js ------------------------ component specs.
-- stores/ ------------------------------ redux stores (actions/reducer/tests).
-- -- myStore --------------------------- redux store.
-- -- -- actions.js --------------------- exports constants and action creators for this store.
-- -- -- index.js ----------------------- exports the reducer for this store.
-- -- -- test.js ------------------------ store specs (tests the actions and the reducer).
-- -- index.js -------------------------- exports all combined reducers.
-- utils/ ------------------------------- utils and helpers to use in the application.
-- -- setupStores.js -------------------- create store from combined reducers, enable hmr for reducers, apply middleware, etc.
-- index.html --------------------------- index.html template for HtmlWebpackPlugin.
-- index.js ----------------------------- entry point for the application, creates routes, etc.
build/ ---------------------------------- output folder for application build.
config/ --------------------------------- task config folder.
-- mocha.opts --------------------------- options passed to mocha.
-- null-compiler.js --------------------- ignore some requires in files when running mocha.
-- sass-lint.yml ------------------------ sass-lint rules.
-- test_helpers.js ---------------------- exposes some globals for the specs.
-- webpack.config.base.js --------------- webpack basic config.
-- webpack.config.dev.js ---------------- webpack config for development.
-- webpack.config.prod.js --------------- webpack config for production.
: creates a distribution version on the application on the build folder.ci
: runs the mocha tests in continous integration mode.dev
: starts a webpack development server with hot reload on the port3000
: runbuild
task and then start a server to preview the built application.test
: run mocha tests.validate
: runeslint
- I am using a "module" convention for this project, That means, I assume everything it's a self-contained module (the components, the containers, the stores).
- As peer the "module" convention, each folder has the files it does need (source, tests and style).
- I don't use a
, orreducers
folder for the same reason specified in #1.
- Move conventions to eslint-config-reactjs or maybe standardjs react?
- Implement Reselect.
- Implement CSS modules.
- Implement redux router.
- Implement animations and transitions.
- Implement a task to generate automated documentation based on components/containers.
Create a yeoman generator for this?Create some plop generators.