Simple elegant toast notifications.
Because a demo helps better than a thousand API docs:
Install the package:
$ npm i -D @zerodevx/svelte-toast
The following are exported:
as the toast container;toast
as the toast emitter.
If you're using this in a Svelte app, import the toast container and place it in your app shell.
import { SvelteToast } from '@zerodevx/svelte-toast'
// Optionally set default options here
const options = {
<SvelteToast {options} />
Use anywhere in your app - just import the toast emitter.
import { toast } from '@zerodevx/svelte-toast'
<button on:click={() => toast.push('Hello world!')}>EMIT TOAST</button>
For any other applications with a bundler, something like this should work.
import { SvelteToast, toast } from '@zerodevx/svelte-toast'
const app = new SvelteToast({
// Set where the toast container should be appended into
target: document.body,
props: {
options: {
// Optionally set default options here
toast.push('Hello world!')
Or if you prefer to go old-school javascript and a CDN:
function registerToast() {
window.toastApp = new window.SvelteToastUMD.SvelteToast({
target: document.body
window.toast = window.SvelteToastUMD.toast;
// Now you can `toast` anywhere!
toast.push('Hello world!');
<script defer src="" onload="registerToast()"></script>
In general, use CSS variables - the following are exposed:
ToastContainer {
top: var(--toastContainerTop, 1.5rem);
right: var(--toastContainerRight, 2rem);
bottom: var(--toastContainerBottom, auto);
left: var(--toastContainerLeft, auto);
ToastItem {
width: var(--toastWidth, 16rem);
height: var(--toastHeight, 3.5rem);
margin: var(--toastMargin, 0 0 0.5rem 0);
background: var(--toastBackground, rgba(66,66,66,0.9));
color: var(--toastColor, #FFF);
font: var(--toastFont);
ToastProgressBar {
background: var(--toastProgressBackground, rgba(33,150,243,0.75));
So to apply your custom theme globally, do something like:
:root {
--toastBackground: #ABCDEF;
--toastColor: #123456;
--toastHeight: 300px;
To apply CSS overrides to a particular Toast Item (on a per-toast basis), emit the toast with options:
toast.push('Yo!', {
theme: {
'--toastBackground': 'cyan',
'--toastColor': 'black',
where theme
is an object containing one or more CSS var key/value pairs.
// Default options
const defaults = {
duration: 4000, // duration of progress bar tween
dismissable: true, // allow dismiss with close button
initial: 1, // initial progress bar value
progress: 0, // current progress
reversed: false, // insert new toast to bottom of stack
intro: { x: 256 }, // toast intro fly animation settings
theme: {}, // css var overrides
title: null // insert a title for the toast (optional)
const id = toast.push(message, { options })
toast.set(id, { object })
- Definitely improve the docs
- Create some option presets