diff --git a/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/app.js b/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/app.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f03d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/app.js
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+class CSSParser {
+ constructor() {
+ this.parse = function (cssText) {
+ const stylesheet = { rules: [] };
+ const rules = cssText.match(/[^}]+}/g) || [];
+ for (const ruleText of rules) {
+ const rule = this.parseRule(ruleText.trim());
+ stylesheet.rules.push(rule);
+ }
+ return stylesheet;
+ };
+ this.parseRule = function (ruleText) {
+ const parts = ruleText.split("{");
+ const selectorText = parts[0].trim();
+ const declarationsText = parts[1] && parts[1].trim(); // Check if parts[1] exists
+ const declarations = declarationsText
+ ? this.parseDeclarations(declarationsText)
+ : [];
+ return {
+ selectorText,
+ declarations,
+ };
+ };
+ this.parseDeclarations = function (declarationsText) {
+ const declarations = [];
+ const parts = declarationsText.split(";");
+ for (const declarationText of parts) {
+ if (declarationText.trim().length === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const parts = declarationText.split(":");
+ const property = parts[0].trim();
+ const value = parts[1] && parts[1].trim(); // Check if parts[1] exists
+ declarations.push({
+ property,
+ value,
+ });
+ }
+ return declarations;
+ };
+ }
+async function parseCssVariables(theme) {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch("style.css");
+ const cssText = await response.text();
+ const parser = new CSSParser();
+ const stylesheet = parser.parse(cssText);
+ const rootRule = stylesheet.rules.find(
+ (rule) => rule.selectorText === `:root[data-theme="${theme}"]`
+ );
+ console.log("Searching for", theme, "in", stylesheet.rules);
+ const cssVariables = {};
+ if (rootRule) {
+ for (const declaration of rootRule.declarations) {
+ if (declaration.property.startsWith("--")) {
+ cssVariables[declaration.property.substring(2)] = declaration.value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(cssVariables);
+ return cssVariables;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error:", error);
+ }
+const CACHE_DIR = "Root/Pluto/cache/lib";
+// To cache libraries on first app load
+async function cacheLibrary(vfs, url, filename) {
+ let result = await vfs.exists(CACHE_DIR + "/" + filename);
+ let content;
+ if (result === false) {
+ await vfs.createFolder(CACHE_DIR);
+ content = await fetch(url).then((t) => t.text());
+ await vfs.writeFile(CACHE_DIR + "/" + filename, content);
+ } else {
+ content = await vfs.readFile(CACHE_DIR + "/" + filename);
+ }
+ let lib = await import(
+ URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content], { type: "application/javascript" }))
+ );
+ if (lib.default) lib = lib.default;
+ console.log(filename, lib);
+ return lib;
+export default {
+ name: "Theme Editor",
+ description: "Theme app",
+ ver: 1.4, // Compatible with core v1.4
+ type: "process",
+ exec: async function (Root) {
+ const vfs = await Root.Lib.loadLibrary("VirtualFS");
+ await vfs.importFS();
+ console.log("Vfs", vfs);
+ // To ensure some compatibility with 1.3 just in case
+ const Html = await cacheLibrary(
+ vfs,
+ "https://unpkg.com/@datkat21/html",
+ "html.js"
+ );
+ const Iro = await cacheLibrary(
+ vfs,
+ "https://unpkg.com/@jaames/iro@5.5.2/dist/iro.es.js",
+ "iro.es.js"
+ );
+ let wrapper, editWrapper; // Lib.html | undefined
+ let MyWindow, pickerWindow, editWindow;
+ Root.Lib.setOnEnd((_) => {
+ MyWindow.close();
+ pickerWindow && pickerWindow.close();
+ editWindow && editWindow.close();
+ });
+ const Win = (await Root.Lib.loadLibrary("WindowSystem")).win;
+ const FileDialog = await Root.Lib.loadLibrary("FileDialog");
+ const Sidebar = await Root.Lib.loadComponent("Sidebar");
+ function colorPicker(color = "#ff0000") {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ pickerWindow = new Win({
+ title: "Pick a color",
+ width: 540,
+ height: 300,
+ resizable: false,
+ onclose: () => {
+ resolve(false);
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
+ let wrapper2 = Html.from(
+ pickerWindow.window.querySelector(".win-content")
+ );
+ wrapper2.classOn("with-sidebar");
+ let pickerElement = new Html("div").class("color-picker");
+ let textInput = new Html("input").attr({
+ type: "text",
+ placeholder: "Hex color",
+ value: color,
+ });
+ let buttonRow = new Html("div").class("row", "gap").appendMany(
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("primary")
+ .text(Root.Lib.getString("ok"))
+ .on("click", (e) => {
+ pickerWindow.close();
+ resolve({
+ value: colorPicker.color.hslString,
+ rgb: colorPicker.color.rgbString.substring(4).replace(")", ""),
+ });
+ }),
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("neutral")
+ .text(Root.Lib.getString("cancel"))
+ .on("click", (e) => {
+ pickerWindow.close();
+ resolve(false);
+ })
+ );
+ let vertWrapper = new Html("div")
+ .class("col", "gap", "container")
+ .appendMany(pickerElement, buttonRow);
+ let vertWrapper2 = new Html("div")
+ .class("col", "gap", "container")
+ .appendMany(textInput);
+ let horizontalWrapper = new Html("div")
+ .class("row", "gap", "container")
+ .appendMany(vertWrapper, vertWrapper2);
+ wrapper2.appendMany(horizontalWrapper);
+ let colorPicker = Iro.ColorPicker(pickerElement.elm, {
+ // Set the size of the color picker
+ width: 144,
+ // Set the initial color to pure red
+ color,
+ });
+ colorPicker.on("color:change", (color) => {
+ textInput.val(color.hexString);
+ });
+ textInput.on("input", (event) => {
+ colorPicker.color.hexString = textInput.getValue();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ async function promptValue(value = "", title = "Value to enter", parent) {
+ return await Root.Modal.input(
+ "Enter value",
+ title,
+ value,
+ parent,
+ false,
+ value
+ );
+ }
+ let colorsList = [
+ "primary",
+ "negative",
+ "negative-light",
+ "negative-dark",
+ "positive",
+ "positive-light",
+ "positive-dark",
+ "warning",
+ "warning-light",
+ "warning-light-translucent",
+ "warning-dark",
+ "root",
+ "root-rgb",
+ "header",
+ "unfocused",
+ "text",
+ "text-rgb",
+ "text-alt",
+ "text-light",
+ "label",
+ "label-light",
+ "neutral",
+ "neutral-focus",
+ "outline",
+ ];
+ let hideList = ["root-rgb", "text-rgb"];
+ function editColorsModal() {
+ editWindow = new Win({
+ title: "Edit colors",
+ width: 540,
+ height: 360,
+ onclose: () => {
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
+ editWrapper = Html.from(editWindow.window.querySelector(".win-content"));
+ editWrapper.classOn("with-sidebar", "row-wrap", "gap");
+ function makeButtons() {
+ editWrapper.clear();
+ let keys = Object.keys(currentDocument.data.values);
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ if (hideList.includes(keys[i])) continue;
+ let value = currentDocument.data.values[keys[i]];
+ let isColor = colorsList.includes(keys[i]);
+ if (isColor === true) {
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("row", "fc", "gap", "small")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div").styleJs({
+ width: "24px",
+ height: "24px",
+ borderRadius: "4px",
+ border: "1px solid var(--outline)",
+ backgroundColor: value,
+ }),
+ new Html("div").text(keys[i])
+ )
+ .appendTo(editWrapper)
+ .on("click", async (e) => {
+ await customizeColor(keys[i]);
+ makeButtons();
+ });
+ } else {
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("row", "fc", "gap")
+ .appendMany(new Html("div").text(keys[i]))
+ .appendTo(editWrapper)
+ .on("click", async (e) => {
+ await customizeValue(keys[i], editWrapper.elm);
+ makeButtons();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ makeButtons();
+ }
+ function editMetaModal() {
+ editWindow = new Win({
+ title: "Edit metadata",
+ width: 540,
+ height: 115,
+ onclose: () => {
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
+ editWrapper = Html.from(editWindow.window.querySelector(".win-content"));
+ editWrapper.classOn("with-sidebar", "row-wrap", "gap");
+ function makeButtons() {
+ let data = {
+ version: currentDocument.data.version,
+ name: currentDocument.data.name,
+ description: currentDocument.data.description,
+ cssThemeDataset: currentDocument.data.cssThemeDataset,
+ wallpaper: currentDocument.data.wallpaper,
+ };
+ editWrapper.clear();
+ let keys = Object.keys(data);
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ if (hideList.includes(keys[i])) continue;
+ let value = data[keys[i]];
+ new Html("button")
+ .appendMany(new Html("div").text(keys[i]))
+ .appendTo(editWrapper)
+ .on("click", async (e) => {
+ let result = await promptValue(value, keys[i], editWrapper.elm);
+ if (result !== false) {
+ currentDocument.dirty = true;
+ updateTitle();
+ if (keys[i] === "name") {
+ themeName.text(result);
+ currentDocument.data[keys[i]] = result;
+ } else if (keys[i] === "version") {
+ currentDocument.data["version"] = parseFloat(result);
+ } else currentDocument.data[keys[i]] = result;
+ }
+ makeButtons();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ makeButtons();
+ }
+ // Create a window
+ MyWindow = new Win({
+ title: "Theme Editor",
+ onclose: async () => {
+ if (currentDocument.dirty === true) {
+ let result = await Root.Modal.prompt(
+ "Warning",
+ "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to exit?",
+ NpWindow.window
+ );
+ if (result !== true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ Root.Lib.onEnd();
+ },
+ width: 540,
+ height: 360,
+ });
+ wrapper = Html.from(MyWindow.window.querySelector(".win-content"));
+ wrapper.classOn("row", "o-h", "h-100", "with-sidebar");
+ function setColor(colorName, value, colorRgb = undefined) {
+ wrapper.style({
+ [`--${colorName}`]: value,
+ });
+ if (colorName === "text") {
+ wrapper.style({ color: "var(--text)" });
+ } else if (colorName === "primary") {
+ wrapper.style({ "accent-color": "var(--primary)" });
+ }
+ currentDocument.data.values[colorName] = value;
+ if (
+ (colorName === "root" || colorName === "text") &&
+ colorRgb !== undefined
+ ) {
+ currentDocument.data.values[colorName + "-rgb"] = colorRgb;
+ wrapper.style({
+ [`--${colorName}-rgb`]: colorRgb,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ const defaultTheme = {
+ version: 1,
+ name: "My Theme",
+ description: "A custom theme.",
+ values: {
+ primary: "hsl(222, 80%, 40%)",
+ negative: "hsl(0, 80%, 40%)",
+ "negative-light": "hsl(0, 80%, 73%)",
+ "negative-dark": "hsl(0, 79%, 25%)",
+ positive: "hsl(133, 80%, 40%)",
+ "positive-light": "hsl(134, 81%, 72%)",
+ "positive-dark": "hsl(133, 79%, 25%)",
+ warning: "hsla(60, 90%, 40%, 0.8)",
+ "warning-light": "rgba(247, 247, 120, 1)",
+ "warning-light-translucent": "rgba(247, 247, 120, 0.4)",
+ "warning-dark": "hsla(60, 96%, 25%, 0.2)",
+ root: "hsl(222, 25%, 8%)",
+ "root-rgb": "15, 18, 25",
+ header: "hsl(219, 28%, 12%)",
+ unfocused: "hsl(218, 31%, 5%)",
+ text: "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
+ "text-rgb": "255, 255, 255",
+ "text-alt": "hsl(222, 33%, 80%)",
+ "text-light": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
+ label: "hsl(222, 16%, 38%)",
+ "label-light": "hsl(222, 15%, 50%)",
+ neutral: "hsl(222, 26%, 18%)",
+ "neutral-focus": "hsl(222, 27%, 20%)",
+ outline: "hsl(222, 23%, 22%)",
+ "easing-function": "cubic-bezier(0.65, 0, 0.35, 1)",
+ "short-animation-duration": "0.15s",
+ "animation-duration": "0.45s",
+ "long-animation-duration": "1s",
+ },
+ cssThemeDataset: null,
+ wallpaper: "https://pluto.zeon.dev/assets/wallpapers/space.png",
+ };
+ let currentDocument = {
+ path: "",
+ dirty: false,
+ data: defaultTheme,
+ };
+ const updateTitle = (_) => {
+ MyWindow.window.querySelector(".win-titlebar .title").innerText = `${
+ currentDocument.dirty === true ? "\u2022" : ""
+ } Theme Editor - ${
+ currentDocument.path === ""
+ ? "Untitled"
+ : currentDocument.path.split("/").pop()
+ }`.trim();
+ themeName.text(currentDocument.data.name);
+ };
+ async function newDocument(path, content) {
+ currentDocument.path = path;
+ currentDocument.dirty = false;
+ if (content === "") {
+ currentDocument.data = defaultTheme;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ currentDocument.data = JSON.parse(content);
+ } catch (e) {
+ Root.Modal.alert("Alert", "Could not read the file!");
+ }
+ }
+ updateTitle();
+ let obj;
+ if (currentDocument.data.values) {
+ obj = currentDocument.data.values;
+ } else if (
+ currentDocument.data.cssThemeDataset !== undefined &&
+ currentDocument.data.cssThemeDataset !== null
+ ) {
+ // Parse the CSS theme
+ obj = await parseCssVariables(currentDocument.data.cssThemeDataset);
+ currentDocument.data.values = obj;
+ }
+ let keys = Object.keys(obj);
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ setColor(keys[i], obj[keys[i]]);
+ }
+ }
+ async function openFile() {
+ let file = await FileDialog.pickFile(
+ (await vfs.getParentFolder(currentDocument.path)) ||
+ "Root/Pluto/config/themes"
+ );
+ if (file === false) return;
+ let content = await vfs.readFile(file);
+ newDocument(file, content);
+ MyWindow.focus();
+ }
+ async function saveFile() {
+ // make sure the path is not unreasonable
+ if (currentDocument.path === "") {
+ return saveAs();
+ }
+ await vfs.writeFile(
+ currentDocument.path,
+ JSON.stringify(currentDocument.data)
+ );
+ currentDocument.dirty = false;
+ updateTitle();
+ }
+ async function saveAs() {
+ let result = await FileDialog.saveFile(
+ (await vfs.getParentFolder(currentDocument.path)) ||
+ "Root/Pluto/config/themes"
+ );
+ if (result === false) return false;
+ await vfs.writeFile(result, JSON.stringify(currentDocument.data));
+ currentDocument.dirty = false;
+ currentDocument.path = result;
+ updateTitle();
+ }
+ async function dirtyCheck() {
+ if (currentDocument.dirty === true) {
+ let result = await Root.Modal.prompt(
+ "Warning",
+ "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to proceed?",
+ MyWindow.window
+ );
+ if (result !== true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ async function customizeColor(type) {
+ let color = await colorPicker(currentDocument.data.values[type], type);
+ console.log("Got", color);
+ if (color !== false) setColor(type, color.value, color.rgb);
+ else {
+ currentDocument.dirty = true;
+ updateTitle();
+ }
+ }
+ async function customizeValue(type, parent) {
+ let color = await promptValue(
+ currentDocument.data.values[type],
+ type,
+ parent
+ );
+ if (color !== false) setColor(type, color);
+ else {
+ currentDocument.dirty = true;
+ updateTitle();
+ }
+ }
+ Sidebar.new(wrapper.elm, [
+ {
+ onclick: async (_) => {
+ const result = await dirtyCheck();
+ if (result === false) return;
+ newDocument("", "");
+ },
+ title: "New",
+ html: Root.Lib.icons.newFile,
+ },
+ {
+ onclick: async (_) => {
+ const result = await dirtyCheck();
+ if (result === false) return;
+ openFile();
+ },
+ title: "Open...",
+ html: Root.Lib.icons.openFolder,
+ },
+ {
+ onclick: async (_) => {
+ await saveFile();
+ },
+ title: "Save",
+ html: Root.Lib.icons.save,
+ },
+ {
+ onclick: async (_) => {
+ await saveAs();
+ },
+ title: "Save as...",
+ html: Root.Lib.icons.saveAll,
+ },
+ {
+ style: {
+ "margin-top": "auto",
+ },
+ onclick: async (_) => {
+ let result = await Root.Modal.prompt(
+ "Help",
+ "Would you like to learn how to use this program?"
+ );
+ if (result === true) {
+ await Root.Modal.alert(
+ "How to use",
+ "On the left, the sidebar acts as a way to manage the current open document. You can use the 'open' button to use an existing theme as a base, or open one of your own custom themes."
+ );
+ await Root.Modal.alert(
+ "How to use",
+ "In the middle, the window preview appears, showing how your theme will look."
+ );
+ await Root.Modal.alert(
+ "How to use",
+ "On the right section, you can find two buttons to open windows related to modifying color data and metadata of your theme."
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ html: Root.Lib.icons.help,
+ },
+ ]);
+ new Html("div").appendTo(wrapper).appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .styleJs({ position: "relative", width: "296px" })
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("win-window-decorative")
+ .styleJs({
+ top: "15px",
+ left: "15px",
+ width: "240px",
+ height: "180px",
+ })
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("win-titlebar")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("buttons")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("button").class("win-btn", "win-minimize")
+ ),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("outer-title")
+ .appendMany(new Html("div").class("title").text("Preview")),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("buttons")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("button").class("win-btn", "win-close")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("win-window-decorative", "focus")
+ .styleJs({
+ top: "40px",
+ left: "40px",
+ width: "240px",
+ })
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("win-titlebar")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("buttons")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("button").class("win-btn", "win-minimize")
+ ),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("outer-title")
+ .appendMany(new Html("div").class("title").text("Preview")),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("buttons")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("button").class("win-btn", "win-close")
+ )
+ ),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("win-content", "col", "gap")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("row-wrap", "gap")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("mc", "mhc", "m-0")
+ .text("Button"),
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("primary", "mc", "m-0")
+ .text("Primary"),
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("danger", "mc", "m-0")
+ .text("Danger"),
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("success", "mc", "m-0")
+ .text("Success")
+ ),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("col", "gap")
+ .appendMany(
+ new Html("input")
+ .class("mc")
+ .attr({ placeholder: "Input text" })
+ ),
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("col", "gap")
+ .html(
+ `Select`
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ let themeName = new Html("span").text("Theme Name");
+ new Html("div")
+ .class("col", "fg", "container", "gap")
+ .appendTo(wrapper)
+ .appendMany(
+ themeName,
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("small", "mc")
+ .text("Edit Colors")
+ .on("click", editColorsModal),
+ new Html("button")
+ .class("small", "mc")
+ .text("Edit Metadata")
+ .on("click", editMetaModal)
+ );
+ newDocument("", "");
+ return Root.Lib.setupReturns((m) => {
+ console.log("Example received message: " + m);
+ });
+ },
diff --git a/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/assets/icon.svg b/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/assets/icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c116090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/assets/icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/meta.json5 b/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/meta.json5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56addf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/kat/theme-editor/meta.json5
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// An example metadata file for an application
+ // Name for your application
+ name: "Theme Editor",
+ // A simple description for your application
+ shortDescription: "A simple app to make your own themes",
+ // Description for your application
+ description: "A simple app to make your own Pluto themes.",
+ // Who created this app? Should be the same as the folder name, or a localized string version.
+ author: "Kat21",
+ // The minimum core version your app is compatible with.
+ // 1.2 brought some big changes so it should be targeted as the default
+ compatibleWith: 1.4,
+ // App assets (shown in the app store)
+ assets: {
+ path: "app.js",
+ icon: "assets/icon.svg",
+ banner: null,
+ },
+ // Example section for localization
+ // (not currently implemented but planned to be supported)
+ // !! You can remove this section if you don't have any localized metadata. !!
+ localization: {
+ // English (United States)
+ en_US: {
+ name: "Theme Editor",
+ description: "A simple app to make your own Pluto themes.",
+ },
+ },