Welcome to the Slidev presentation for Alex Grädel's portfolio project, zeitiv.dev. This presentation provides an in-depth look at the project's goals, tech stack, and future improvements, highlighting modern web development practices.
- Theme: Dracula
- Fonts:
- Sans: Fira Code
- Serif: Ubuntu
- Mono: Fira Code
- Code Highlighting:
- Two-slash support: Enabled
- Line Numbers: Enabled
- Highlighter: Shiki
- Monaco Font: Enabled
- Slide Transition: Slide-left
- Miscellaneous:
- Drawings: Persist
- Hide in Table of Contents: Enabled
- Introduction
- Project Overview
- Tech Stack
- Tech Stack Deep Dive
- Components
- Future Improvements
- Questions
To run the presentation locally:
bun i
- Start the Slidev server using Bun:
bun run dev
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3030
to view the presentation.
- Angular 18: Framework for building dynamic single-page applications.
- Astro: Static site generator for improved performance.
- UnoCSS: Atomic CSS engine for rapid UI development.
- TypeScript: Adds static type definitions to JavaScript.
- BunJS: Fast JavaScript runtime.
- Elysia: Minimalist backend framework.
- TypeScript: Used for type safety.
- ViteJS: Fast build tool.
- Ubuntu: Operating system.
- Docker: Containerization platform.
- Portainer: Docker management tool.
- NGINX: High-performance web server.
Alex Grädel
Frontend Developer
This project is licensed under the MIT License.