Query | Description |
search_concepts_by_text | Search concepts by text |
descriptor_list | List of descriptors, with synonyms and broader descriptor ids (can be used for downloading a simplified version of STW - monolingual and w/o categories - as CSV file) |
construct_combined1 | Descriptors, with related and narrower descriptors, and their synonyms, searched via text query (as used for the /combined1 econ-ws service) |
count_concept_types | Count STW concept types (descriptor/thsys) |
count_altlabels | Count skos:altLabels of STW descriptors |
count_descriptors_by_category | Count the descriptors attached to the subthesauri and the second level thsys branches |
count_descriptors_by_thsys | Number of descriptors by thys (only thsys end nodes) |
count_subthes_intersect | Count the descriptors which are part of two subthesauri of STW (e.g., Business Economics (b) and General Economics (v)) |
count_categories_per_descriptor | Number of descriptors by number of categories they are attached to |
see also Queries on Wikidata
Query | Description |
stw_wikidata_authorities | All STW descriptors mapped to Wikidata, with selected authorities |
stw_wikidata_wikipedia | All STW descriptors mapped to Wikidata, with Wikipedia pages |
wikidata_mapping_candidates_via_gnd | Get all mapping candidates from wikidata (with labels in German language) to STW, derived from existing GND (P227) properties and the STW-GND mapping, supplemented with Wikipedia site links (result, test set) |
wikidata_mapping | Get all mappings from Wikidata to STW (with labels in German and English) |
inexact_wikidata_mapping | Get all in-exact mappings from Wikidata to STW (with link for search in Wikidata) |
single_exact_violations | Single value constraint violations (multiple exact matches from an item) |
distinct_exact_violations | Distinct values constraint violations (multiple exact matches to different items) |
multiple_id_values | Multiple ID values per item |
same_id_value | Same ID value in different items |
wd_mapping_missing_labels | Missing label in WD (in a certain language) for items mapped to STW |
stw_mnm | Create input for Wikidata Mix-n-match for STW descriptors |
stw_mnm_synonyms | Plain list of synonyms by id for Mix-n-match (with language) |
stw_openrefine | Create input for Openrefine for STW descriptors |
overlay_wd_hierarchy | "Overlay" Wikidata with STW skos:brodaer hierarchy |
construct_wd_mapping | Construct SKOS mapping from Wikidata (plus linked Wikipedia pages) |
indirect_mapping_via_wd | Indirect mapping from STW to another vocabulary (default: UNESCO thesaurus) via Wikidata, for now restricted to exact matches |
wikidata_item_candidate | Possibly missing Wikidata items - extract STW data for creation |
unmapped_to_wd | List of unmapped descriptors in the sequence of the mix-n-match file |
Query | Description |
count_mappings_by_target | Count mappings to STW descriptors to other vocabularies by mapping target |
count_mappings_by_relation | Count mappings of STW descriptors by SKOS mapping relation |
count_synonyms | Number of different (lowercased) synonymous terms from STW with optional complementation from exact matching concepts of other vocabularies |
count_mapped_descriptors_by_category | Count the descriptors attached to the subthesauri and the second level thsys branches, and links to a per-category list |
count_mapped_descriptors_by_category_gnd | Same, parameterized for GND |
mapped_descriptors_for_a_category | Show all descriptors for a certain category, plus the exactly mapped ones in another vocabulary |
multi_mappings_concepts | Select STW concepts with mappings to at least 4 other datasets |
multi_exact_matches | Mapped concepts with multiple exact matching STW concepts |
mapping_cardinalities | Cardinalities of a mapping |
mapping_cardinality_concepts | Concepts with a certain number of mapping relations to another dataset (default 0) |
wd_dbpedia_mapping | Create a STW - DBpedia mapping from Wikidata |
Queries working on multiple versions of STW are available within the skos-history project (here and here)
Query | Description |
thsys_tree_d3sparql | Creates output for the visualization of a STW sub-thesaurus tree with http://biohackathon.org/d3sparql/ |
categories_by_descriptors | Returns for a set of stw descriptors, e.g. from one work, the according economics categories with their frequency |
synonyms_with_provenance | Synonyms of a search term, with provenance information |
synonyms_provenance_id-extension | Synonyms of a search term with provenance information and item-id |
synonyms | List of synonyms for STW concepts (for use in RePEc/Ideas and maybe other applications) |
synonyms_by_stw_id | List of grouped synonyms for STW concepts (for use in EconBiz) |
synonyms_by_gnd_id | List of grouped synonyms for GND concepts (via STW mapping, for use in EconBiz) |
deprecated_concepts_replacements | List deprecated concepts and (optionally) their replacements |