title | description | permalink | prev_url | prev_name | next_url | next_name |
liq setup |
How to set up your local liq environment and Projects. |
/docs/usage/Setup |
/docs/Ontology |
liq Ontology |
/docs/usage/Developing with liq |
Developing with liq |
eval $(liq meta bash-config)
liq meta init
liq import @liquid-labs/liq-cli
You can also create new Projects and (if necessary) Orgs with:
liq orgs create
liq projects create @new-org/new-project
It's also possible to duplicate and convert non-Liquid Projects with:
liq projects create --source ssh://foo.com/some-project-repo.git @acme/new-project
eval "$(liq meta bash-config)"
This should only be necessary after first installing liq. As part of the liq installation, your $HOME/.bash_profile
should have been updated, and your shell will be automatically configured for subsequent logins.
liq meta init
This will setup your local Playground directory. Later, we'll create and/or import projects into the Playground where we can work on them.
Each Project is owned by an Org. If you're working on an existing project(s), you can simply import the Projects and the Org settings will be imported as well. If you're starting a Project from scratch, you'll need to affiliate with an existing Org or create your own.
liq orgs affiliate liquid-labs # for example
This will attempt to load the Org's settings directly without importing a specific project. This is useful if creating new projects under an existing, but un-affiliated Org.
liq orgs create
This will start an interactive wizard to gather your Org details. This is typically used when first setting up your own personal projects (you are your own Org) or when first setting up a company, department, or team. Liquid Orgs map directly to GitHub organizations.
To work on a Project, you first add it to the Playground. Existing Projects may be imported or new Projects created. Create is also used to convert existing, non-Liquid projects to Liquid projects.
liq projects import @liquid-labs/liq-cli # for example
This will add the named Project to the Playground.
liq projects create --new @liquid-labs/lib-js @some-org/new-project # for example
This will initialize a new project using @liquid-labs/create-lib-js
TODO: provide link to supported 'create' options.
liq projects create --source ssh://foo.com/some-project-repo.git @acme/new-project
This will use the 'source' repo as a starting point, and then attempt to add or convert package.json
in order to make the project a proper Liquid Project.
For further details and options, refer to:
liq help bash-config
liq help meta init
liq help projects import
liq help projects create